Europe, Russia & Middle East Region Jackie Hruby – Director for Europe, Russia and the Middle East
Europe, Russia & the Middle East Europe EU-25 Eastern Europe, includes Romania and Bulgaria. Russia Russian Federation CIS, includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Moldova, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan Middle East Includes Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon, Bahrain, Egypt
Importance of the Region and its Markets to U.S. Beef and Pork Europe The EU is the world’s most affluent trading bloc, made up of 25 countries and a total population of 455 million There is a growing beef deficit in the EU, estimated at ,000 tons Russia High growth, lucrative potential markets The region accounted for 24% of total U.S. beef variety meat (primarily beef liver) exports in 2003 Significant opportunities for U.S. pork exports
Middle East One of the fastest growing populations in the world. Strong economic growth conditions are forecast for the gulf countries in the near term. With relatively little domestic beef production and little opportunity to significantly raise domestic production, beef imports are set to increase in importance.
Demographics Europe Continued expansion of the EU Growing markets in Eastern Europe, such as Romania and Bulgaria Russia Increasing per capita incomes in line with economic growth Middle East Young population coupled with a high rate of growth
Economic Situation Europe High per capita incomes across the EU Lower per capita incomes in Eastern Europe, but higher growth rates Russia/Middle East Significant levels of economic growth (7% in Russia) - fueled by higher oil revenues
Political Climate EU –A new EU President and set of Commissioners, (one from each of the 25 member states), will work together to define EU policy commencing November 1. Russia –President Putin strives to exert increasing controls following his re-election earlier this year, and in the face of continued terrorist attacks. Middle East –Continuing turmoil in Iraq and instability in the region.
Trade Policy & Market Access Environment Europe –The continued expansion of the EU has resulted in the US industry losing access to markets such as Poland, as new member states are forced to comply with restrictive EU food policies. Russia –Increasing Government control has resulted in the imposition of Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) on red meat imports. Middle East –Political turmoil and war in the region had little impact on exports in 2003.
Current Market Access Europe The EU and Eastern Europe have remained open for U.S. beef. Russia Banned U.S. beef and has not yet presented any conditions under which U.S. beef exports can restart. Middle East Saudi Arabia and Bahrain remained open for U.S. beef. Egypt has recently re-opened its market subject to certain conditions. The UAE and Lebanon may soon follow.
General Market Situation Increasing deficit in beef production –Agricultural policy reform continues to drive down production –Recovery in consumer confidence and consumption post BSE Declining pork production –Environmental concerns –Increasing costs of production and lower returns to the producer
Europe - Beef Open for U.S. beef and beef variety meats Increasingly dependent on imports –Current EU beef deficit estimated at ,000 tons Major competitors are South American producers –Brazil –Argentina –Uruguay Consumption continues to increase following EU beef crises
Key Drivers & Strategic Priorities -- Europe Beef -- Key Drivers Severe restrictions on access to the EU markets for U.S. beef. Declining EU Beef Production. Growing HRI Sector. Increasing Beef Consumption. Strategic Priorities Work with the U.S. industry to increase the supply of U.S. beef eligible for export to the EU. Establish distribution links for U.S. beef and build product loyalty among targeted end- users. Expand the number of HRI outlets that incorporate US beef onto their menus. Position U.S. beef as the preferred, highest quality product among targeted consumers.
Europe -- Pork -- Exports to the EU increased by 55% in 2003, to over 15,000 tons Exports to Eastern Europe continue to grow in 2004, driven by exports to Romania Further growth is dependant on additional EU- approved suppliers coming on-line Primary competition comes from domestic (EU) producers Consumption of added-value processed products increasing
Key Drivers & Strategic Priorities -- Europe Pork -- Key Drivers Declining or static pork production. Restricted access for U.S. pork to the EU. Growing demand for added-value processed pork products. Strategic Priorities Work with the U.S. industry to increase the number of EU approved suppliers. Establish distribution links for U.S. pork and build product loyalty among targeted importers, distributors and processors in the region.
General Market Situation & Trends Russia is 66 percent self-sufficient in beef and pork. Meat consumption is constantly increasing – 50 kg per capita in 2003 (42 kg in 1990) Meat processing sector grows by 10 percent annually. Russian retail and HRI sectors are rapidly growing.
General Market Situation & Trends HRI Sector: –There are 3,000 restaurants in Moscow and 1,500 in St. Petersburg and more mid-level restaurants are opening. Retail trade has become more westernized : –There are now more specialized stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets. –The share of wet markets decreased from 60 percent to 30 percent in a total retail turnover. –European retail chains (Auchan, Metro, Dorinda, IKEA) opened more than 60 outlets in Russia. WalMart announced its entry into the Russian market in 2005.
Russia -- Beef -- Export forecast once the ban is removed: –The U.S. will regain its pre-BSE market share by –HRI – U.S. marbled beef has a special position in the market and importers are eager to resume imports. –Beef variety meat – 75 percent of all beef liver imported to Russia is of U.S. origin. Competition - Brazil, Argentina, EU, Australia Beef consumption trends –Improving standard of living will result in increased consumption of high-quality beef –Increased prices for beef will cause the share of beef in total meat consumption to go down, i.e., versus poultry, fish, etc.
Key Drivers & Strategic Priorities -- Russia Beef -- Key Drivers Consumption of processed meat products is increasing. Expanding HRI sector. Actively growing retail sector. Consumers are increasingly safety and nutrition conscious Strategic Priorities Recapture the number of importers and processors using U.S. beef and variety meat by demonstrating profitability Expand the range of beef cuts in the HRI sector. Position U.S. beef as the highest quality, preferred product among targeted HRI customers. Build demand for U.S. beef and beef variety meat in retail sector.
Russia -- Pork -- Favorable quota allocations in 2004 have already increased the import of U.S. pork by 170 percent in the first 8 months of Pork import of U.S. main competitors in Russia – Brazil and China – is significantly restricted by quotas.
Russia -- Pork -- U.S. pork exports to Russia: –Expected to grow as the quota allocation for 2005 is predicted to be favorable for the U.S. Pork consumption trends: –Demand for processed pork products and pork muscle cuts is going up; –U.S. pork has won its position in the HRI sector, but just six U.S. pork packing facilities are approved for export of pork to Russia for retail sale.
Key Drivers & Strategic Priorities -- Russia Pork -- Key Drivers Rapidly expanding HRI sector. Significant potential of growing retail sector. Restricted access for U.S. pork traded in retail sector. Increasing demand for high-quality processed pork products. Strategic Priorities Expand U.S. pork usage in the Russian HRI sector. Build a presence for U.S. pork in the developing Russian retail sector. Facilitate access for U.S. pork in the growing HRI and retail sectors. Maintain demand for U.S. pork in the processing industry in Russia.
Middle East
General Market Situation & Trends The six Middle East Gulf states enjoy some of the world’s highest per capita incomes and population growth rates. The total food market is estimated at more than U.S.$ 35 billion – and growing daily. The Middle East imports roughly 90% of the beef and beef products that it consumes. Demand for beef is driven by limited production, improving economies and soaring population. The region presents good opportunities for HQB and value added products due to the expansion of HRI sector, growing number of fast food outlets and western style supermarkets.
Middle East -- Beef -- USMEF predicts that U.S. beef exports to the Middle East will regain their pre-BSE market share by –HQB – U.S. high quality beef has a special niche in the HRI sector and distributors and importers are eager to resume imports. –Beef variety meat – almost 80 percent of all beef livers imported to the Middle East are of U.S. origin. The growing number of fast food restaurants, hotels and resorts, catering operations and upscale supermarkets, continue to create greater opportunities for U.S. beef products. Price is the overriding consideration when purchasing mea, although affluent Middle Eastern consumers and visitors can afford fine dining. The ABC program is appealing to this select clientele.
Middle East -- Beef -- Other suppliers to the Middle East HRI and retail sectors include: Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, South America, India and China. In particular, the Australians have become more active in the Middle Eastern markets through its Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA). Retail promotions, foodservice promotions and technical consumer orientation programs are common. Australian chefs are promoting Australian prime beef and lamb at several hotels and restaurants in the region.
Key Drivers & Strategic Priorities -- Middle East Beef -- Key Drivers There is significant competition from other suppliers and, increasingly, from local processors. HRI and retail sectors are rapidly expanding and becoming more westernized. Consumers are increasingly safety and nutrition conscious. Strategic Priorities Educate importers’ and distributors’ of the safety and availability of U.S. beef and BVM’s. Develop relationships with vendors supplying coalition forces and contractors in the region. Develop the image of U.S. beef among consumers as the premier beef available on the market. Increase the visibility of U.S. beef at retail and enhance consumer awareness of U.S. beef safety and nutrition attributes.
?? Questions ?? Jackie Hruby – Europe & Middle East Anna Puzyrevskaya -- Russia