Rasa Povilavičiūtė Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania EU Support Coordination Department ESF and EUSBSR in EDUCATION and R&D in LITHUANIA
During the implementation of period ESF Operational Program in Lithuania, the Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for two priority axis: Life-long learning (priority 2) Enhancement of researchers‘ capacities (priority 3) The priorities of ESF OP
These two priorities contribute to the main targets and priority areas of EU Strategy of Baltic Sea Region. It can be distinguished as two main priority areas in Strategy Action Plan: 7 th To exploit the full potential of the region in research and innovation (mostly priority 3) 12 th To maintain and reinforce attractiveness of the Baltic Sea Region in particular through education and youth, tourism, culture and health (mostly priority 2) The priorities
Practical traineeships for students in universities, collages and vocational training schools Promotion of mobility of students in international programs Traineeships and participation in various conferences and seminars for teachers, lecturers of universities/collages Establishment of joint study programs in universities and collages Strengthening transnational aspects in national study programs - adaptation for foreign students Cooperation with abroad universities and collages
There are 260 projects financed and implemented ESF allocation is ~103 million euro Indicators Traineeships of lecturers of universities/collages persons Foreseen to establish joint study programs - 10
International postgraduate internships, short- term visits to science institutions and centers Strengthening transnational cooperation with science institutions Encouraging the mobility of scientists and other researchers Short-term visits of foreign (or Lithuanians living and working abroad) scientists
There are 65 projects financed and implemented ESF allocation is ~50 million euro Indicators Postgraduate internships - 49 persons Science internships of students persons Short-term visits - 167