Overview of Finance and Budgeting February 9, 2006
Community Charter – Financial Officer Responsibilities ( SS149) : Receive all monies paid Keeping of all funds and securities Investing municipal funds Expending funds authorized by council Records retention Exercise control and supervision
Financial Model Taxes DCC & Development Contributions Other sources of revenue Operating Costs Total Income Reserves Capital Program Utilities
Vendor Income / Profit Salaries Suppliers Federal / Provincial Government Federal / Provincial Government PST GST PST GST Business / Income Tax Business / Income Tax IncomeTax $1.00
Taxation Assessment Classes 1.Residential 2.Utilities 4. Major Industry 5. Light Industry 6.Business and Other 7.Managed Forest Land 8.Recreational property / Non-profit organization 9. Farm
‘Constant’ ‘Variable’ A x B = C Assessment Value / 1000 Assessment Value / 1000 Tax Revenue Tax Revenue Tax ‘Mill Rate’ Tax ‘Mill Rate’ X = Calculation Of Property Tax Rates Calculation Of Property Tax Rates
‘Unknown’‘Known’ B = C / A Assessment Value / 1000 Assessment Value / 1000 Tax Revenue Tax Revenue Tax ‘Mill Rate’ Tax ‘Mill Rate’ =/ Calculation Of Property Tax Rates (Cont.) Calculation Of Property Tax Rates (Cont.)
Example 2004: (293,000 / 1000) x = $1, (at 2004 Mill Rates): (338,000 / 1000) x = $1, (new Mill Rate,Tax Revenue required): (338,000 / 1000) x = $1,035
Development Cost Charges (DCC) Parks Acquisition & Parks Development Roads Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Water DCCs are fees from new development to help pay for cost of infrastructure services needed to accommodate growth, specifically for:
Community Charter – Reserves Funds (SS188) Council may, by bylaw, establish a reserve fund for a specified purpose Money and interest must be used only for the purpose of which the funds was established Examples: Affordable Housing Capital Building & Infrastructure Child Care Development Drainage Improvement Leisure Facilities Local Improvements Neighbourhood Improvement Sanitary Sewer Watermain Replacement
Long Term Financial Management Strategy Tax Revenue Gaming Revenue Alternative Revenues & Economic Development Changes to Senior Government Service Delivery Capital Plan Cost Containment Efficiencies & Service Level Reductions Land Management Administrative Debt Management 10 Principals are:
Budget Process Community Charter Public Feedback Prior Year’s Base Budget City Council Direction Actual Trend Analysis City Corporate Plan (LTFMS) External & Internal Factors Establish Service Levels / Budget Guidelines Business Planning & Systems Set Up Prepare & Review Annual Budget Prepare & Review 5 YFP Public Consultation Annual Budget Document 5YFP Document Utility Rates & Property Tax Rates City Council Review & Approves PROCESS OUTPUTINPUT
Budget Cycle Apr* Set Tax Rates Feb – Mar* Finalize 5YFP Aug – Sep Prepare Budgets By Organization (Business Unit) Jun – Jul Business Planning & System Set-Up Oct – Nov* Budget Presentation Jan – Feb* 5YFP Presentation & Public Consultation Dec –Jan Prepare & Review 5YFP Nov – Dec* Finalize Annual Budget & Set Utility Rates May* Establish Service Levels YEAR – ROUND Control & Monitor Budgets Feb – Apr Year End Financials & Audit Council Involvement Sep - Oct Review Budgets (Incl. Additional Levels) * Planning Approval Preparation Review & Presentation
Why Prepare A 5 Year Financial Plan (5YFP)? 1)Provides city staff with the authority to pay for services 2)Ensures city staff are accountable to Council and Citizens 3)Meets the requirements of the Community Charter 4)Allows for measurement of costs for each service level / program provided 5)Allows for the calculation of the tax levy required
Community Charter SS 165(1)-adoption of financial plan by bylaw before property tax bylaw is adopted SS 165(3)-fin. plan is for a period of 5 years SS 165(4)-fin. plan must set out proposed expenditures transfers and funding sources SS 165(5)-fin. plan must be balanced
Community Charter SS 166-public consultation required before fin. plan adopted Div 3, SS 197(1)-ppty tax bylaw before May 15.
Budgets Led by Council About delivering services Ensuring accountability
Budgets The budget, is a projection of future revenues and expenditures The budget should also be used as a management and planning tool to guide the operations of the municipality The budget provides an opportunity to review the appropriateness of local tax policies in the context of the capacity of the local assessment base.
Uses of the Budget Council Monitor and control departments/programs Establishing priorities for present and future work plans Communicating plans to constituents Resolve conflict (allocate scarce resources)
Uses of the Budget Management Team Control expenditures Incentive performance planning of departments and personnel Planning for goal setting Communicating needs for additional resources
Uses of the Budget Public Source of data for analysis and debate Scorecard Information of Council’s goals and priorities
Other Financial Controls Purchasing-spending limits Trend analysis/history HR-Personnel limits and pay scale PSAB-Public Sector Accounting Board- rules of accounting
Steps in the Budget Process Finance Role Involve all departments Provide economic data & assumptions Review, analyze and provide feedback Review and approval from Mgmt & Committee Approval from Council (base for 5 YFP)
Steps in the Budget Process Additional Level Requests-represents new items such as new programs or program enhancements from the previous year’s budget Eg. Staffing, new programs Review and approval from Mgmt & Committee Approval from Council (base for 5 YFP)
Issues and Conflict Finance role of guardian vs employee Special needs vs communal needs Present vs Future Financial vs Social
Popular Budgeting Methods Zero Base Budgeting Incremental Budgeting
Zero Based Zero-based budgeting (1977 President Jimmy Carter) federal budget each programme is examined in order to justify its existence, and is compared to alternative programmes. Priorities are established and each cost centre is challenged to prove its necessity Drawbacks-time and costs, effect on behavior and morale
Incremental The organisation's historical costs are the base from which budget planning starts. The focus of the budgeting process is on the changes anticipated in last year's figures. In comparison, there are dangers in using last year's figures as in incremental budgeting. There is a risk of 'creeping' costs year on year. Less time consuming and threatening to employees
Operating & Capital Operating expenditures (e.g., salary or power charges) are incurred to maintain and help the capital expenditure (e.g., building or machine) earn revenue (income).
Operating vs Capital Operating- funding is usually primarily by tax revenues, fees, grants. Expenditures are primarily period expenditures Operating impact from capital Capital-funding is usually primarily by reserves, surplus, DCC’s, grants or donations. Expenditures have an enduring benefit Fruit vs Tree
Operating Budget
Capital Budget
Operating Budgets Attention should be focused on policy issues such as tax policy, funding priorities and macro issues instead of detailed reviews Monitor the budget to avoid surprises at year end Maintain adequate fund balances in the event of contingencies Look at long term goals and plans
Capital Planning Plan should involve conducting analysis of infrastructure needs Transparent process for selecting projects An effective process for monitoring design and construction An effective process to maintain infrastructure in accordance to generally recognized engineering practices - Lifecycle
Capital Criteria Level of demand-(essential, established, potential) Consistent with Council’s strategic plans Technically feasible Financial cost-benefit and risk Societal/Environmental cost-benefit and risk Funding availability and source
Capital funding Pay as you go (reserves, grants, partnering, special levies) Debt (LT debt, capital lease) Inter-government funding Restricted and private donations
Tax Rates Measurement CPI basket relevant to Municipalities? (food, shelter, clothing, footwear, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products) Municipalities - compensation for a unionized workforce, non-finished goods such as asphalt, salt, steel, diesel fuel and electricity.
Tax Rates