Gloriana St. Clair Dean of University Libraries State of the University Libraries
Hunt Library’s aluminum exterior had a good cleaning in 2008.
Student Advisory Council Enthusiastic advisory group, convened under the auspices of Student Affairs Building on recent success –M–Maggie Murph Cafe 2006 –G–Group Study Rooms 2007 –L–Library Arcade 2007 –3–3 rd floor renovation 2008 –2–24/5 Pilot Study 2008
Recent Success Students LOVE the Maggie Murph Café!
Recent Success Group Study rooms are heavily used. Online reservation system was introduced in fall 2008.
Recent Success Hunt Library 3 rd floor renovations — New carpet, some new furniture & more outlets!
Recent Success 24/5 Pilot Study Hunt Library is open Sun noon-Fri 9 pm S→MS→MM→TM→TT→WT→WW→ThTh→F Number of students at library, 3 am-8 am* *SAMPLE Week of October 6, 2008
Current Priorities FACILITIES Student proposal to “enhance Hunt Library’s aesthetics and accessibility for a more welcoming academic environment” $50K this year, and more Help Hunt
BOOKS Discipline collections Recreational collections New academic program support $50K per endowment; many, many are needed Current Priorities Book Fund Endowments
DIGITIZATION Detailed history of community Three million pages viewed 2/3 completed $110,000 Current Priorities Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project
In Honor of … In Memory of … Specify subject Gift bookplate Honoree or family is notified $100 per book Commemorative Book Gifts Other Opportunities
“All Carnegie Mellon graduates are Libraries’ alumni.” Your gifts to the Libraries contribute to the university’s capital campaign. Carnegie Mellon Capital Campaign Other Opportunities
Thank you! Gloriana St. Clair Dean of University Libraries MORE: About Us > Library-Giving