Philip J. Harkins-Linkage Implementation : Michael Malamatinas-Nike Hellas 10 Tactics for Leading in Hard Times
1. Reallocate Time To High Percentage, Short-Term Returns Principle: Focus 80% of time on the most important 20% Actions: Have everyone complete a time allocation report Identify wasteful or overlapping activities and refocus priorities Focus on activities with highest short term impact, always with customer related activities Limit meetings, # of items on the agenda, # of attendees to absolutely necessary for the decision making
Actions: Set measurable goals around key metrics: i.e. a) Weekly bookings b) Weekly Billings c) Next week billing forecast Weekly functional and roll up meetings Summarize committed actions for following week 2. Create Measures Around High Impact Programs & Projects. Principle: You can only control what you can measure
Principle: Sales is the conduit to the eyes & ears of customers and the place where quick decision making can keep the organization ahead of a downward curve Actions: Meet regularly with the sales staff and ask questions Take actions to increase time spent with existing/potential customers Decrease amount of time spent on non-customer related activities 3. Meet directly and frequently with the sales force
Principle: During hard times make sure you maximize {A} player productivity and reduce the least effective. Actions: Identify A players Leverage A player talent and capability Reduce C players and related costs 4. Leverage {A} Players and Reduce {C} Players
Principle: Give people who know where the costs are the power to drive change Actions: Put in place innovation & improvement teams limited to the critical few Focus one team on cost reduction (efficiency) & another on new opportunities (innovation) Focus on limited initiatives (1-2) with highest impact without compromising quality 5. Install Innovation and Improvement Teams
Principle: Passionate champions have the most power in organizations to create focus - [They never give up, express hope, confidence & passion, deliver results) Actions: Spend significant time with the team to get buy-in of “Action Plan” Identify and use “passionate champions” as change leaders in all change initiatives Develop a plan that does not overextend them 6. Lean on “Go To” People
7. Triple Communications Principle: In hard times, people need to hear more frequently what the plan is and be reassured of the over- riding objectives Actions: Commit to a weekly progress communication report Continuously praise and encourage people for their efforts toward the goal Track “employee touches” and keep everyone fired up
Principle: Listen without fear to customers to find windows of opportunity. Actions: Maximize customer face time Ask about the 2-3 reasons why they buy specific products and services Redefine buying assumptions and capitalize on identified opportunities 8. Get in Front of Customers More Often in Hard Times
9. Get Rid of Waste Principle: Bad times allow us to get under the covers. Action: Streamline processes to eliminate redundancies Set specific goals around initiatives with highest return ratios Drop a personal note each day to goal achievers
Principle: When you know you are right, don’t let anything stop you Action: Dare to make strategic and tactical moves when others stall Create competitive advantages and upgrade on all key organizational positions Create focus and alignment to manage your way out of adversity 10. Make the Tough Moves Now
One of the most critical factors that could add tremendous value in leading in hard times, is the continuous investment in maintaining and strengthening the emotional bond of a brand with the final consumer. The attached link of the video “The New Rules Of Engagement” describes most vividly the relationship between brands and final consumers in the new era of social media domination where the “master” of the game is no longer the brands but the final consumer. “ The New Rules Of Engagement”