Fully Detailed Logic Model
Defining the Situation: Critical first step in logic model development If incorrectly understood and diagnosed, everything in the logic model that flows from it will be wrong. What problematic condition exists that demands a programmatic response? What are the protective and risk factors affecting problem? What review research, evidence, knowledge-base exists to help us frame the situation? Traps: Confusing the symptoms with the root cause Framing a problem as a need where need is actually a program or service. “Parents need nutrition education” This precludes discussion of nature of the problem: what is the problem? Whose problem?
Situation Analysis Extension programs exist within a situation or environment that is often complex and changing. Understanding the situation is the beginning step in designing the educational response. Situational analysis involves analyzing needs and assets, problem diagnosis and examining relevant research, knowledge and experience. As professionals we engage in situational analysis on an ongoing basis given the dynamics of changing situations.
Setting Priorities Builds on the foundation created by the situational analysis. Program priorities need to be established with an understanding of the resources that are available The availability of resources or lack of resources may be a major factor in selecting Extension program priorities. Priority setting in Extension involves consideration of the following Delaware Cooperative Extension mission, vision, and values Institutional mandates Resource availability - Resources may be local, statewide, national or even international. Local perspectives and dynamics What other people and agencies are doing Research and knowledge base Priority setting leads to the identification of intended outcomes.
Inputs – Resources We (and Our Partners) Invest
Creating Program Area Situation Statements Work in your program area groups to identify your programmatic situation statements. Limit to 4 different situations. Remember to answer the questions: What problematic condition exists that demands a programmatic response? These statements would be broad enough to be used for about 5 years. Our specific programs may change during this time and the situation may shift slightly but the situation/condition description would stay the same. Why does it exist? For whom does it exist? Who has a stake in the problem? What can be changed? Based on your discussion and using the Cyfernet Logic Model template, identify the programmatic: Needs Assets