„Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future” The project is funded by the Cultural Exchange Fund within the EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
Day 1 : Session 1 Introduction What is a SWOT analysis? SWOT analysis of your own library „Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future”
Workshops’ Framework April 28th – 30th – SWOT analysis, definition of strategic and detailed goals July 7th – 9th – projects’ definitions for years 2011 – 2012, timeline and budget, needs assesments regarding a study visit in Norway October 20th – 22nd – monitoring and evaluation, strategy implementation, rules of introducing changes, analysis of necessary changes in libraries while implementing strategies, social consultations, forming project teams, PR, fundrising, ICT tools needed in strategy development In between workshops groups will be required to work individually and collect data necessary for work at the next stages of the project.
March April 28 – 30 July 7 – 9 October 20 – 22 Workshops’ Framework Individual work: Strategies’ reviews for regional libraries, collection of documents required for the next meeting, a report regarding the conditions of regional libraries – data collected for analysis Individual work: Formulating the list of projects for each specific goal Individual work: Formulating the list of projects for activities in the years 2011 – 2012 Working on a strategy draft
Fixed hours of the beginning and end of each three- day workshop Day One :12.00 – 6.00 PM Day Two: 9.00 AM – 6.00 PM Day Three: 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM a detailed plan of each workshop can be found in the workshop folders
Additional information (1) The participants will receive a full support from trainers who will be running the workshops. In between workshops, the participants will be able to send questions and drafts for consultations Final drafts of strategies will be consulted with trainers During the workshops, there will be teams of three people working on strategies, however it is important, to have more employees involved in this process. We suggest that each library have a steering committee that would work on development, consultations and data collection.
Additional information (2) Three day workshops will be our method of work on strategies. Each team consisting of three members from each library will collaborate with the trainer who will guide them through the process. All solutions will be developed by the whole team. Each group should choose a coordinator who will be supervising the team’s work in between workshops, he will be responsible for contacts with the trainer and the collection of information regarding the project (taking notes and keeping flipcharts).
Product or Process? It is important to have a product while building a strategy; in this case a final document will be our product. Team’s work on this document, so called process of building a strategy, is equally important. It allows us to analyse together the situation our library is in and what the librarians would like the library to be like in the future.
Rules of Work Turn off or turn down your mobile phones Stay focused Name + Ms/Mr. as you like 5 min of tolerance for late comers Respect for others No interruptions when somebody else is talking Possibility of input - we encourage participation during workshops
How was it? Were you able to establish steering committees that would work on strategies? What are the first results of your analysis about the conditions of your library?
11 SWOT Analysis (1) The goal of SWOT analysis is to organize systematically all information and believes regarding the analysed institution/region in order to evaluate objectively our current situation and potential that we have. SWOT Analysis is one of the analytical techniques used for systematization of information
12 SWOT Analysis (2) + (pros)- (cons) Here Today Strengths Positive aspects / advantages of my library Weaknesses Negative aspects of my library Tomor- row Outside Opportunities Possibilities we may have in the future, Possibilities available in our surroundings Threats Negative tendencies that may occur in the future Threats existing in our surroundings
13 Who should we compare ourselves to in analysis? comparison with the strongest competitor analysis of all competitors/ leaders in your field looking for leaders out of the field an institution that we compare ourselves to, can be our strategic guide it can serve us as a source of good practices and an opportunity to learn from examples and mistakes
Day 1: Session 2 Presentations of SWOT analysis Evaluation of needs assessments (indicators) What is a vision? Rules of formulating a vision – a reminder A vision that includes the results of SWOT analysis „Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future”
15 Evaluation of indicators Weak indicator Medium indicator Strong indicator Rising indicator ↑ Falling indicator ↓ Stable indicator staying at the same level _
16 How will our library look like in five, in ten, in fifteen or twenty years?
17 What is a vision? Vision is a picture of our institution in years Some examples of vision: The Polish Librarians Association provides partner space in the library development in knowledge society Library as an accessible and comfortable place to work, relax, self- develop and promote long-life education (Adam Mickiewicz County Public Library in Vilnius) Samsung company executes one vision: to lead changes in digital convergence Where are we coming from? Who are we? Where are we going to? Paul Gauguin
18 Day 1: Session 3 Library’s Mission „Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future”
19 Which values do we choose? In your own words, please say: What is the main goal for which a regional library exists? What are the most important values that guide us in our library? It’s important not to cite any written laws
20 Seven values that usually exist in „perfect” companies (Peters and Waterman) we are the best details are important we focus on human beings quality and services for the community are the most important innovation and support in case of failure counts a lot informal contacts and relations unite us more economic growth and profits are significant
21 What is the institution’s mission? Mission is a goal exercised by an institution. The mission of an organization is shaped by the vaules we believe in, the institution’s history, management, environment, resources and competence. My life is my mission. I must observe how I live my life, how I eat, I sit, I speak and how I behave. The sum of all my actions constitute my mission. Mahatma Gandhi
22 What is the institution’s mission? The mission should: define the meaning of institution’s existence and presence, express values and challenges that the employees identify with, it is general and able to sustain the passage of time and changes that occur in our environment, employees should know the mission and the process of its development should be visible in everyday work, the text of the mission should be simple and short, a mission full of sentimental generalization demonstrates that the organisation doesn’t have a clear goal and doesn’t know its strengths A good mission motivates employees to act and lets them view the organisation’s vision as their own.
23 Mission’s examples (1) How to formulate a mission - examples: Providing health, security and comfort services to the Cocoa community Providing public services and progressive management to the community of Berkley in the most efficient, effective, just, economical and democratic way Our mission is to build machines and methods that help solve more and more complicated problems in business, government, knowledge, studies of outer space, education, medicine and other fields of human activity.
24 Mission’s examples (2) How to formulate a mission - examples: Work on libraries development, building librarian’s identity, community integration and promoting a positive image of libraries and librarians’ profession (Polish Librarians Association). Supporting information society development, providing access to information, freedom of expression and services offered by the library to all citizens of Vilnius in order to help public libraries in East Lithuania to integrate multinaltional communities in this region. (Adam Mickiewicz County Public Library in Vilnius). In Samsung all activities are based on our mission: to be the best „digital e-company”. Both library’s vision and mission can be an element used for its promotion
25 Internal and External Mission Examples of external and internal mission of Coca-Cola corporation : External Mission: Always Coca-Cola Internal Mission: We exist to generate profits for our partners…..
26 Mission and vision Mission Vision We exist to fulfill specific needs We exist to fulfill specific needs better and better
Day 2: Session 4 Defining main areas of library’s activities „Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future”
Day 2 and 3: Sessions 5, 8, 9 Rules of goals’ formulation Indicators and their sources „Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future”
29 Goal Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound
30 An example of a well-written goal (1) To increase library’s accessibility to elderly people Increasing numbers Who? (target group) people over 60 years old who go to libraries Where? (place) in a place X How many?(from x to Y) from 56 to 120 Until when? (deadline) until the end of 2010 goal indicator
31 An example of a well-written goal (2) Elderly people attending libraries Minimum 120 people over 60 years old attend a local library frequently in a place X in the year goal indicator
32 Good indicators should: Reflect changes in the state or condition over time Represent reasonable measurement costs Be non-directional and can vary in any direction Be easy to interpret and explain, timely, precise, valid, and reliable
33 Sources of means of verification for indicators sources of means of verification demonstarte where we can find statistical data that can be used as indicators, for example when number of participants is an indicator, then the attendance list is means of verification defining the sources of means of verification allows us to verify whether the indicator demonstrates reasonable measurement costs, time and effort
34 Goals’ structure Strategic goal project project’s goal Specific goal Specific goal project project’s goal project project’s goal project project’s goal
35 Strategic goal - the most ambitious result(s) that a program might feasibly achieve within a certain period of time. Essential condition(s) to be attained or problems to be solved in the long-term. Specific goal is defined within strategic goals and has indicators Project’s goal – it’s a goal of a specific project; development of specific goals within a specific project should lead to the realisation of the specific goal Terminology
36 making decisions, which will be included or excluded from the strategy decisions made should be a result of agreements regarding priorities in the project: what is the most important, achievable and the most effective. Analysis of strategic goals
37 Examples of strategic goals – Strategy of The Polish Librarians Association for years Goal I – Gaining by The Polish Librarians Association some tangible influence that will shape library politics and practices in Poland Goal II – The Polish Librarians Association as an important (strategic) partner in developing a knowledge society Goal III – Increasing the Association’s role in integration of environment Goal IV – Increasing the access of each librarian to various and modern forms of competence training Goal V – Increasing the social image of librarian’s profession
38 Examples of specific goals within the strategic goal I Specific goal I.1 – Increasing the role of The Polish Librarians Association in regulating laws that may influance a library’s development and a librarian’s position Specific goal I.2 - Increased and direct participation of the Polish Librarians Association in creating strategic library development programs Specific goal I.3 - Initiation of descriptions of common standards in the field of library studies
39 Projects According to Davidson Frame Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific (and usually) one-time effort. The main project’s characteristics are: focused on one goal; all activities within a project are interconnected and coordinated discrete beginning, end, and deliverable all of them are exceptional
40 Examples of projects within a specific goal I.1 Project I.1.1 – Designing norms for a new library policy Project I.1.2 – Presentation of the new policy to adequate ministries; lobbying and consultations Project I.1.3 – Designing common norms describing the librarian’s occupation Project I.1.4 – Planning activities that will implement common norms including a career path
41 Examples of project’s design projectindicators deadline those in charge partnersbudget
42 Example strategic goal I specific goal I.1, specific goal I.2…..; for each specific goal we should include indicators Projects regarding specific goals I.1 included in the chart Projectindicatordeadlinethose in chargepartnersbudget Please notice the recommended way of describing goals and projects
43 Individual work before next workshops finish up defining all specific goals for each strategic goal define the list of projects for each specific goal
See you on July 7 th „Libraries in Knowledge Society – Strategies for the Future”