The Western Frontier §A. Settlers §B. The Mining Frontier §C. The Indian Wars §D. Cowboys §E. Sodbusters §F. Western Culture §G. The Closing of the Frontier (1890)
Westward Expansion
Settlers of the West
The Mining Frontier
Some Famous Mines §Started with Sutter’s Mill- California 1849
Some Famous Mines §Started with Sutter’s Mill- California 1849 §Central City Colorado- 1859
Some Famous Mines §Started with Sutter’s Mill- California 1849 §Central City Colorado §Comstock Lode- Va. City, Nev
Some Famous Mines §Started with Sutter’s Mill- California 1849 §Central City Colorado §Comstock Lode- Va. City, Nev §Deadwood, S.D
Some Famous Mines §Started with Sutter’s Mill- California 1849 §Central City Colorado §Comstock Lode- Va. City, Nev §Deadwood, S.D §Cripple Creek, Colorado- 1891
Native Americans
Battle of the Little Big Horn- 1874
General G.A. Custer
Sioux Chief Sitting Bull
Nez Perce Chief Joseph
Ghost Dance Uprising §Started with the Ghost Dance- religious ceremony §Participants were supposed to be immune to white men’s bullets §Sitting Bull killed by Tribal Police §300 men, women, and children killed at the Battle of Wounded Knee, S.D
Wild West Cattle Round-up
Early Farmers on the Western Frontier
Western Culture §The Code of the West- A desire to stand up and fight when threatened or wronged
Western Culture §The Code of the West- A desire to stand up and fight when threatened or wronged §Bodie, California- 44 shootouts in six years
Wild West Outlaws §“Man- Eater” McGowan §John Wesley Hardin §Billy the Kid
The Closing of the Frontier §1890- No frontier left in the country
The Closing of the Frontier §1890- No frontier left in the country §1893- Frederick Jackson Turner: The Frontier Thesis
The Closing of the Frontier §1890- No frontier left in the country §1893- Frederick Jackson Turner: The Frontier Thesis §The Frontier had been a safety valve and had helped shape American National Character
The Closing of the Frontier §1890- No frontier left in the country §1893- Frederick Jackson Turner: The Frontier Thesis §The Frontier had been a safety valve and had helped shape American National Character §Fear that closed frontier would cause problems