Theories of Gender Technological Mastery Socio- Economic Power TEAM IMPULSE
Who is Team Impulse Kunj Bhatt Joanna Garcia Kelly Kermode Marques Dickson Krystle Garcia-Gibbons
Takeover Theory Kunj Bhatt
“This pattern of women’s inventing a technology and developing it to a satisfactory level for the family-or even village-scale economy, only to lose out in that activity as it becomes commercialized and professionalized […]” (29). Kunj Bhatt
Reasons for Takeover throughout History Religion Division of Labor/Production The Little Red Hen Kunj Bhatt
Takeover and Agriculture (Recap) “Birth Explosion Change from female-centered to male-centered religion The professionalization of the cultivative role” (29). Kunj Bhatt
What is the Matriarchy Perplex? The Matriarchy Perplex raises the question of whether women were ever “in charge” of their own work, if not an entire society. Three events shift egalitarian relations to male advantage Projectile Hunting Men learned the male role in human procreation Surplus Joanna Garcia
Peggy Sanday’s Theory Women’s power and status relations are best when the economic contribution of both is approximately equal or contributions are felt to be equal even if they are not. Joanna Garcia
Inventive Capacity, Motive, and Achievement Inventive ability is probably independent of biological gender. If inventive ability correlates with any other human trait it is not gender but artistic talent and set- breaking thinking. Three things not equal for the two sexes that may inhibit inventive capacity Assuming that women invent wherever they work some early inventions by women may include food preserving, food processing, weaving, knives, scrapers…etc. Joanna Garcia
Karl Marx: Class Conflict Theory BourgeoisieProletariat Own the means of production factory business land natural resources Working class selling labor In need of resources which creates conflict with bourgeoisie. Classes divided between Kelly Kermode
Feminist and Class Conflict Theory The root of Class Conflict: control over the resources The root of Feminist Theory patriarchal system that holds control over women by devaluing them in society Rosemary Tong describes feminism like this: “Feminist Theory is not one, but many theories or perspectives and each theory attempts to describe Women's oppression, and to prescribe strategies for Women's liberation.” Kelly Kermode
Marxist theories social class proletariat bourgeoisie Conflict based on social class, created by the tension between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie Replace the words Social class with patriarchal system Bourgeoisie with men proletariat with women Kelly Kermode
Gender Socialization Marques Dickson
Gender Socialization Binarisim is a western belief Two socially constructed genders. Male or Female Kate Bornstein, says biological sex “classifies a person through body type hormones genitals Gender Identity refers to the sense of being either male or female. Consider the following questions: Do you feel like a woman/man? How did you know what a woman/man would feel like? Marques Dickson
Given what we know how would we attribute a gender to “Jack” Halberstam? Marques Dickson
Gender expectations and education There are more women teachers in K-8 th Women primarily teach dance, music, art and home economics Women are usually the counselors, secretaries, “lunch- ladies” More male teachers in the areas of higher education Men teach PE, science, biology and Mathematics Men in schools are usually the administrators Marques Dickson
Is there a Double Standard ? Men are socialized to be “tough guys” Men with feminine qualities are repudiated Men are judged on what they do. Marques Dickson Women on the other hand are expected by some to be seen and not heard Women with feminine qualities Women are judged on the way look and dress Gender Expression: “Refers to the manifestation of an individuals fundamental sense of being masculine or feminine through clothing, behavior, grooming, etc.”(Bronstein)
Freedoms that Women Lack explore the physical environment engage in rough-and-tumble play Free time to play in general Marques Dickson
Freedoms that Women Lack cont. Our sex-role stereotypes seek to confine creativity [for women] to: Art music, dance, writing, cooking ‘real’ invention and technology have to do with weapons machines chemical compounds. Marques Dickson
Why are women not thought of as inventors? Original U.S. patent law passed in 1790 Many women were reluctant to seek patents Some items were never patented, instead advertised Women inventions were legal property of the husbands Confined to “women’s world” First U.S. Woman Patent- Mary Dixon Kies 1809 Krystle Garcia- Gibbons
When you think of typical women inventions you think… Disposable Diaper - Marion Donovan Pouch-like infant carrier- Ann Moore Brassiere- Mary Phelps Jacob Barbie Doll- Ruth Handler Cooking Stove- Elizabeth Hawk Dishwasher- Josephine Cochran Washing Machine- Margaret Colvin Suspenders- Laura Cooney Zigzag Sewing Machine- Helen Blanchard Krystle Garcia- Gibbons
You normally would not consider a woman inventing… Fire escape- Anna Connelly Car Heater- Margaret Wilcox Dam and reservoir construction- Harriet Strong Circular Saw- Tabitha Babbit Kevlar- Stephanie Kwoelk Glucose detection for diabetes- Helen Free Process for isolating human stem cells- Ann Tsukamoto, et al Antifungal antibiotic (nystatin)- Rachel Fuller Brown & Elizabeth Lee Hazen Krystle Garcia- Gibbons
Highlighting Rosalind Franklin July 1920-April 1958 Spent two years at King’s College- DNA research The Double Helix X-ray diffraction photographs Wilkins, Crick & Watson 1962 Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology Krystle Garcia-Gibbons
Bibliography Bornstein, Kate. Gender Outlaw: on Men, Women, and the Rest of Us. New York: Routledge, Print. Leon-Guerrero, A. (2008). Sociology and the Study of Social Problems. Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action (2nd ed., p. 15). Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press. Schmaltzalleger, F. J. (2010). Criminology: A Brief Introduction (MyCrimeKit Series) (1 ed.). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall. Wilchins, Riki Anne. Queer Theory, Gender Theory: an Instant Primer. Los Angeles, [Calif.: Alyson, Print.
POP QUIZ 1. What is the difference between gender and sex? 2. What are the two events that shifted egalitarian relations toward a male advantage? 3. What did Mary Dixon Kies receive her U.S. patent for? 4. What kind of work allowed men to “focus on and deal with new problems”? 5. Which social class in Marxist theory owns the means of production? Who is the working class?