What were the main political and social challenges facing America? How to deal with the d) question in Section B of Paper 1
The d) question is the final question on Paper 1. The question is worth ten marks. You are required to give a balanced answer. In this case you evaluate the various problems that America faced during the 1920s. On the next slide are a variety of problems faced by the USA.
The Government and people became concerned about the influx of immigrants of eastern Europe. The emergence of Christian fundamentalism in the bible belt and an attempt to outlaw the theory of evolution. The revival of the Ku Klux Klan and a growth in membership to over 5 million throughout the USA. Native Americans being forced to live on reservations and the children being educated in board schools. The fear of political extremists such as anarchists and communists in the USA. The introduction of prohibition led to more people breaking the law as speakeasies became popular. The enforcement of segregation in the south through the enforcement of the Jim Crow Laws. Gangsters such as Al Capone made fortunes in bootlegging and came to be involved in gang warfare. Those close to the government, such as the ‘Ohio’ Gang became involved in the misuse of government funds.
Was the rise of gangster violence the main problem facing America in this period? Explain you answer fully
Was the rise of gangster violence the main problem facing America in this period? In order to answer this question you need to judge the importance of the various problems facing America during the 1920s. To help you make your mind up complete the following exercise. Rank the problems in what you believe to be an order of importance.
LeastImportant MostImportant Christian Fundamentalism in the ‘Bible in the ‘Bible Belt’ Revival and growth of and growth of the Ku Klux the Ku Klux Klan Fear of Fear of political extremists Misuse of government of government funds The rise The rise of gangsters of gangsters and gang and gang warfare Influx of Influx of immigrants from immigrants from Eastern Europe The era The era of Prohibition, of Prohibition, The position The position of black Americans of black Americans in the South in the South Discrimination against native against native Americans