Facts about his early life are obscure, so obscure that his birth is listed as coming sometime between 1505 and 1514—even 1515—according to some researchers. The majority of reformed bodies, however, seem content to use 2014 as the 500 th anniversary. So, as his life is celebrated, it would be useful to get a good, reliable, biography of John Knox and read it. If you know nothing about him, it will warm your heart and encourage your faith. If you are familiar with him, it will rekindle your love and respect for the man.
Early life, 1505–1546 Early life, 1505–1546 Early life, 1505– , John Knox is born just south of Edinburgh in Haddington to a well-to-do family.
1528, As a teenager, Knox is troubled with the rest of Scotland over the treacherous execution at the stake of aristocratic reformer, Patrick Hamilton. 1528, As a teenager, Knox is troubled with the rest of Scotland over the treacherous execution at the stake of aristocratic reformer, Patrick Hamilton. 1536, Ordination to the Roman priesthood following university studies. Knox tutors children of nobility. 1536, Ordination to the Roman priesthood following university studies. Knox tutors children of nobility. Marker in the street outside the Abbey of St. Andrews where Patrick Hamilton was martyred
Embracing the Protestant Reformation, 1546–1547 Embracing the Protestant Reformation, 1546–1547 Embracing the Protestant Reformation, 1546–1547
Scotland dominated by the Roman Church Scotland dominated by the Roman Church Scots were called to worship statues and relics, but no one fed the souls of the people. Scots were called to worship statues and relics, but no one fed the souls of the people. Half the land of Scotland owned by the Roman Church. Half the land of Scotland owned by the Roman Church. The Roman Church took in revenues 18 times more than what the crown received. The Roman Church took in revenues 18 times more than what the crown received. Bishops Bishops Often took office through political appointment Often took office through political appointment Often held more than one bishopric, leading to absenteeism and lack of accountability Often held more than one bishopric, leading to absenteeism and lack of accountability With the priests, bishops led openly immoral lives. Cardinal Beaton, who betrayed Hamilton, consorted with a stable of concubines who gave him 10 children. With the priests, bishops led openly immoral lives. Cardinal Beaton, who betrayed Hamilton, consorted with a stable of concubines who gave him 10 children.
Confinement in the French galleys, 1547–1549 Confinement in the French galleys, 1547–1549 Confinement in the French galleys, 1547–1549 THE CASTLE FALLS…
Exile in England, 1549–1554 Exile in England, 1549–1554 Exile in England, 1549–1554
The Bishop of Durham
Westminster hall: home of parliament in the 1550s
The Joys and Sorrows of Knox in Exile…
Revolution and end of the regency, 1559–1560 Revolution and end of the regency, 1559–1560 Revolution and end of the regency, 1559–1560 Cardinal Beaton and the clergy were meeting at that moment to initiate reforms to the church because of pressures being brought by the Reformers: No one could serve the church but a priest. No one could serve the church but a priest. If the priest committed adultery, he lost 1/3 of his income and property (1 st offense). If the priest committed adultery, he lost 1/3 of his income and property (1 st offense). You could not turn your benefice over to your son (Beaton had 8). You could not turn your benefice over to your son (Beaton had 8). When word reached them that Knox had arrived they quickly disbanded. When word reached them that Knox had arrived they quickly disbanded.
Reformation in Scotland, 1560–1561 Reformation in Scotland, 1560–1561 Reformation in Scotland, 1560–1561 STIRLING CASTLE
John Knox was committed to enduring whatever came for Christ’s sake. He said with the Apostle Paul… Romans 1:16 …I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. He wrote: …my hope is to obtain such mercy, that if a sudden end be not made of all my miseries by final death, which to m e were no small advantage, that yet, by Him who never despised the sobs of the sore afflicted, I shall be so encouraged to fight, that England and Scotland shall both know, that I am ready to suffer more than either poverty or exile, for the profession of that doctrine, and that heavenly religion, whereof it hath pleased His merciful providence to make me, amongst others, a simple soldier and witness-bearer to men.
1560, Knox supervised the draft of the First Scottish Confession of Faith and Book of Discipline. 1560, Knox supervised the draft of the First Scottish Confession of Faith and Book of Discipline. Knox stood before kings and queens (Mary Queen of Scots) in proclaiming the gospel and in condemning idolatry. Knox stood before kings and queens (Mary Queen of Scots) in proclaiming the gospel and in condemning idolatry. Knox’s legacy by the numbers: 750,000 Presbyterians in Scotland, 3 million in the United States, and millions more worldwide. Knox’s legacy by the numbers: 750,000 Presbyterians in Scotland, 3 million in the United States, and millions more worldwide.
Dear Brethren, be assured, that none other doctrine doth establish faith, nor make man humble and thankful unto God. And finally, that none other doctrine makes (a) man careful to obey God according to his commandment, but that doctrine only which so (di)spoils man of all power and virtue, that no portion of his salvation consists within himself; to the end that the whole praise of our redemption may be referred to Christ Jesus alone; whom the Father, of very love, has given to death for the deliverance of his body, which is the Church, to the which He was appointed Head before the beginning of all times. KNOX
…go on in your zeal and constancy; true zeal doth not cool, but the longer it burns the more fervent it will grow. If it shall please God, that by your means the light of the gospel shall be continued, and that you have the honour of being instrumental in a blessed Reformation, it shall be useful and comfortable to yourselves and your posterity.