Nation Building and Economic Transformation in America Chapter 23 Nation Building and Economic Transformation in America 1800-1890 Maddie Ravelo Period 3
19th century witnessed enormous political changes in western hemisphere The nations here were basically newly independent Tried to copy Europe and catch up with them because of the rapid economic progress
Railroads Became a major part of many societies From Argentina to Canada the governments sought to support railroad development They were important because of the growth of exports and political and cultural integration
Western Hemisphere witnessed radical political and social changes Regions nations achieved independence by 1825 Independence brought good and bad Foreign interventions , threats to sovereignty, regionalism and civil war were some examples of the negatives
-In Latin America and the Spanish South they experienced a revolution -Works of the Enlightenment circulated in Latin America inspiring the people to follow the political example of American and French Revolutions -Simon Bolivar was a military leader who lead the people to independence in Spanish South America
There was also a problem of order during this time Had trouble establishing stable political institutions Although each country tried to organize a fair government most led to conflict , regionalism and military uprisings Confederation of 1867 was the negotiated union of formally separated colonial governments
There were many successful patriot leaders during this time Included people of both the United States and Latin America Andrew Jackson-7th president of the united states and looked to as a major leader during this time in the U.S Jose Antonio Paez- Venezuelan soldier and politician who was a leader in the countries independent movement
In the 19th century wars often determined national borders Many countries faced rivalries and struggles The united states, England, Spain, Latin American nations all fought wars between each other Benito Juarez was the man who helped Mexico by moving into presidency and defeating the conservatives
The United States had both diplomacy and military action shape relations between the people in the country With the newly found independence colonials power role as mediator and protector of native people ended Civil war also disrupted the Indians trade
In Argentina the government used military force to crush native resistance Thousands of Amerindians were killed In Mexico political divisions and civil wars provided native people opportunity to rebel Caste War was when the Maya rebelled in 1847 it was well organized and a popular uprising
Men and women tried to abolish slavery in the United States Many strong antislavery sentiments were expressed during struggles for independence Revolutionary leaders felt as if slavery was against what they believed in Abolitionists were men and women who wanted to outlaw slavery
The American culture was thriving Despite the discrimination immigrants streamed into the western hemisphere Introduced new languages, technologies and working customs Acculturation was the modification of the language, customs, values and behaviors of a group as a result of contact with other people from another culture
Throughout history women have continued to have struggles in society Even if they abolished slavery it did not stop racial immigration or the discrimination against women A group of women arranged a meeting to discuss the rights of all women which was called the Womens Rights Convention
The economy of the Atlantic experienced three periods of economic contraction Economic expansion had growth in this period of time In the 19th century United states was the only western nation to industrialize Every other government promoted new economic activities Invested in roads, railroads, canals and telegraphs
Many countries prospered in natural resources which boosted their economy Others had high demand in copper, zinc, lead and coal which was unleashed by the Industrial Revolution New technology accelerated economic integration Growing interdependence produced deep structural differences among the economies
There were two economic tracks you could choose from: Development which led to industrialization and prosperity Underdevelopment which dependence on low wage industries exporting raw materials
During this time in history it is important to understand the troubles nations went though to become successful Many went through wars and government problems Women and slaves had to fight for their own rights and freedom Industrialization, growth and independence were the key factors to success in all the economies of the western hemisphere