Network Neutrality ICPL June 28, 2006 Steve Worona EDUCAUSE
Three Kinds of Senators/Representatives
My mind is made up; don’t try to confuse me with facts
Three Kinds of Senators/Representatives My mind is made up; don’t try to confuse me with facts The Bells/Cables are in here every day and their arguments sound good. What are your counterarguments?
Three Kinds of Senators/Representatives My mind is made up; don’t try to confuse me with facts The Bells/Cables are in here every day and their arguments sound good. What are your counterarguments? It’s all too complicated to understand and, besides, isn’t it all just a bunch of big businesses fighting over money? I want to hear from my constituents.
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies
1.The Internet has never been regulated. Don’t start now!
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies 1.The Internet has never been regulated. Don’t start now! 2.Google and Amazon and eBay and the rest are getting a free ride!
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies 1.The Internet has never been regulated. Don’t start now! 2.Google and Amazon and eBay and the rest are getting a free ride! 3.Internet Broadband is highly competitive!
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies 1.The Internet has never been regulated. Don’t start now! 2.Google and Amazon and eBay and the rest are getting a free ride! 3.Internet Broadband is highly competitive! 4.Network Neutrality will hurt small businesses!
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies (cont.) 5.We can only deploy Broadband if Wall Street provides investment capital, and they won’t do that if Internet service is limited to commodity bit transport over “dumb pipes”.
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies (cont.) 5.We can only deploy Broadband if Wall Street provides investment capital, and they won’t do that if Internet service is limited to commodity bit transport over “dumb pipes”. 6.Network Neutrality is a solution looking for a problem. We would never block or degrade unaffiliated content or services.
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies (cont.) 7.Network Neutrality would prohibit spam filtering, virus blocking, detection of child pornography, and sound network management.
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies (cont.) 7.Network Neutrality would prohibit spam filtering, virus blocking, detection of child pornography, and sound network management. 8.The FCC’s “Four Principles” are sufficient to protect Internet users from abuse by network providers.
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies (cont.) 9.QoS is the only way to provide high- quality bandwidth, and Network Neutrality will outlaw QoS.
The Bell’s/Cable’s Big Lies (cont.) 9.QoS is the only way to provide high- quality bandwidth, and Network Neutrality will outlaw QoS. 10.The edge-centric “dumb pipe” Internet has run its course; it’s time to replace it with a “smart” network, and we need the flexibility to offer various versions of the new Internet.