Introduction to the Metric System Gaiser Life Science
Know What do you know about the metric System? Evidence Page 9 Base Unit deci deka centi hecto milli kilo Glue in your conversion chart.
The Metric System - decimal system based on the powers of 10. There are no fractions. - decimal system based on the powers of 10. There are no fractions. metric system metric system ,000 1, ReviewInformation Page 10
The Metric System - decimal system based on the powers of 10. There are no fractions. - decimal system based on the powers of 10. There are no fractions. metric system metric system ReviewInformation Page 10 Who uses the Metric System? All nations except Burma, Libya, and the USA. Libya – An outlaw nation in the Mideast ruled by the military strongman Mahomar Ghadaffi Burma – A small country located between China and India which has been ruled by a military regime since All laws are by military decree. United States – You know who they are.
ReviewInformation Page 10 Who uses the Metric System? All nations except Burma, Libya, and the USA. What is the official name of the Metric System? International System of Units A.K.A. SI
ReviewInformation Page 10 What is the official name of the Metric System? International System of Units Why use the Metric System? All scientists use metrics as a common measure so everyone is talking the same language
ReviewInformation Page 10 Each unit is a multiple of 10 either larger or smaller than the base unit. How does it work? Example: 10mm = 1cm, 100cm = 1m, 1000m = 1km Why use the Metric System? All scientists use metrics as a common measure so everyone is talking the same language
ReviewInformation Page 10 Each unit is a multiple of 10 either larger or smaller than the base unit. How does it work? Example: 10mm = 1cm, 100cm = 1m, 1000m = 1km Conversion 1.0cm = ________m Move the decimal LEFT. Add zeros on the left if necessary. 1.0m = ________cm Move the decimal RIGHT. Add zeros on the right if necessary. Glue Metric units handouts at the bottom of Page 10.
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