11 Leadership Development Learning to Lead Kouzes and Posner’s analysis (supported by two other major studies) of all responses suggests three major categories of opportunities for learning to lead. In order of importance they are : Trial and error (experience) Other People (role models) Education and formal training Kouzes and Posner (1987, p283) Executive Learning EQ + IQ + MQ
22 Top Reasons for Leader Failure HR professionals regard poor results as being the main cause of leader failure (CIPD Survey of HR Professionals, 2005)
33 Routes to Leadership Most leaders worked their way up to the top (CIPD Survey of HR Professionals, 2005)
44 Most Effective Leader Actions HR professionals regard ‘passion for results’ even more important than people skills (CIPD Survey of HR Professionals, 2005)
55 Main techniques:- Work based methods Developing competencies Coaching Action learning Performance management/appraisal 360 degree feedback Learning from exemplars and role models Formal education and training Formal courses; modular and project based E-learning and blended learning Management education e.g. MBA and MSc Management development is a process and not a quick fix Leadership and Management Development
66 Experiential and Action Learning Exposure to role models Action learning sets Executive shadowing Case studies Personal development Coaching and mentoring 360 degree feedback Self-assessment and diagnostic tests Self-directed learning Experimentation Transformative events and experiences Temporary systems Simulations Reflection and absorption Time to learn After action reviews Q? Level of Leadership? (Thomas and Cleese, 2005)
77 Leadership and Management Development Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Frank Outlaw