How to Deal With People that Complain a Lot
Introduction Some people are naturally positive and optimistic, whereas others tend to see the world in a more negative light and always think the glass is half-empty.
Introduction Being around people who complain a lot can be so tiring. Especially when they're complaining about things beyond their control.
Complaints Main Examples The weather is too warm/cold. My boss is a jerk. The food is lousy. My work sucks. I am extremely busy today. My company isn't fair.
Complainers Main Reasons There are some reason why people complain: –Feeling of unhappiness about themselves or about their lives. –They are immature. –They may have a big ego.
Important Chronic Complainers We should not outlaw complaining. But it is a fact that negative people are highly contagious and one chronic complainer can easily get an entire department down.
Wrong Ways to Deal with Complainers Cheering them up. Suggesting solutions. Telling them to pull themselves together. Complaining about their negative approach. Confronting or complaining with them.
Dealing with Complainers When facing a chronic complainer, realize that you are not the problem, it's the one complaining who has a problem. Don't get involved. Be neutral. Ask the complainer to put their complaint in writing.
Dealing with Complainers Think of the complainer as a three year old. If you must walk by the complainers, walk by them with your friends. You will be less of a target.