The Diversity of Prokaryotic Organisms Chapter 11
Domains Bacteria and Archaea One circular chromosome not in a membrane 70S ribosomes No membrane-bound organelles Binary fission rRNA provides evidence of phylogenic differences between the 2 Domains
Domain Bacteria Proteobacteria Includes most of the gram-negative bacteria Phylogeny based on rRNA studies Common photosynthetic ancestor few are still photosynthetic Mythical Greek god, Proteus Largest taxonomic group of bacteria Classes designated by Greek letters
The (alpha) Proteobacteria Some grow at low nutrient levels Some have unusual morphology Many are agriculturally important several medically important genra
The (alpha) Proteobacteria Human pathogens: Bartonella - bacillus Cat-scratch disease
Obligate intracellular parasite: Rickettsia – bacillus or coccobacilli Arthropod-borne cause spotted fevers R. typhi - Endemic murine typhus (fleas) R. rickettsii - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (ticks)
Have prosthecae: Caulobacter Hyphomicrobium Stalked bacteria found in low nutrient aquatic environment Hyphomicrobium Budding bacteria found in low nutrient environment
Pelagibacter Very small with tiny genome P. ubique is abundant marine microbe
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: Azospirillum Grows in association with tropical grasses and sugar cane Rhizobia Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium Infects roots of legumes forming root nodules
Nitrifying bacteria : Chemoautotrophs Oxidize nitrogen Nitrosomonas NH4+ NO2– (ammonium to nitrite) Nitrobacter NO2– NO3– (nitrite to nitrate)
Plant pathogen: Agrobacterium Inserts plasmid into plant cells, inducing tumors Crown gall
Produce acetic acid from ethyl alcohol: Acetobacter Gluconobacter
Wolbachia Most common infectious bacteria Endosymbionts of insects and other animals
The (beta) Proteobacteria Utilize nutrients diffusing from areas of decomposition of organic matter hydrogen gas, ammonia, and methane
Thiobacillus Sphaerotilus Chemoautotroph, oxidizes sulfur: H2S SO42– - hollow sheath - polar flagella - problem in sewage
Spirillum Large, aerobic freshwater bacterium
Neisseria N. meningitidis Meningococcal meningitis N. gonorrhoeae
Bordetella B. pertussis - whooping cough Aerobic, rods or coccobacillus B. pertussis - whooping cough
The (gamma) Proteobacteria Largest subgroup Great variety of physiological types Includes the enterics
Azotobacter and Azomonas Beggiatoa Chemoautotroph, oxidize H2S to S0 Gliding motility Beggiatoa alba is only species Azotobacter and Azomonas Nitrogen fixing, free-living soil bacteria Large ovoid cell with heavy capsule
Francisella Francisella tularensis – tularemia (rabbit fever) Pleomorphic Francisella tularensis – tularemia (rabbit fever) Resistant to many antibiotics
Pseudomonas Aerobic rods; Polar flagella Extra-cellular and/or florescent pigments Opportunistic pathogen Metabolize wide variety of substrates Resistant to many anti-microbials Denitrification
Legionella L. pneumophilia Found in streams, warm-water pipes, cooling towers L. pneumophilia Causes a form of pneumonia called legionellosis Survive inside aquatic amoeba
Coxiella Coxiella burnetii Q fever Obligate intracellular pathogen transmitted via aerosols or milk Resistant spore–like body
Vibrio Vibrio cholerae V. parahaemolyticus Facultative anaerobic vibrio Vibrio cholerae Cholera Dysentery V. parahaemolyticus Less severe gastroenteritis Undercooked shellfish
Pasteurella P. multocidia - carried by Komodo dragon mainly pathogens of domestic animals Cause pneumonia and septicemia passed to humans from cat and dog bites P. multocidia - carried by Komodo dragon
Haemophilus H. ducreyi H. influenzae inhabit mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract, mouth, vagina, and intestinal tract require heme fraction (X factor) and NAD cofactor (V factor) H. ducreyi Chancroid (STD) H. influenzae meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, septic arthritis, earaches
Enterobacteriales (enterics): Facultatively anaerobic, rods Peritrichous flagella Most ferment glucose and other sugars Inhabit intestinal tract of animals (humans)
Enterics Escherichia Salmonella S. enterica – 2400 servors Coliforms – fecal contamination UTI and Travelers Diarrhea Food poisoning – E. coli 0157:H7 Salmonella S. enterica – 2400 servors S. enterica servor typhi – typhoid fever
Enterics Shigella Klebsiella K. pneumoniae – serious form of pneumonia Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) Klebsiella K. pneumoniae – serious form of pneumonia Some species fix nitrogen
Enterics Yersinia Proteus Y. pestis – plague Swarmer cells UTI and wound infections
The (delta) Proteobacteria Some species are predators on other bacteria Important contributors to the sulfur cycle
Bdellovibrio Aerobic, rod with polar flagella attack other gram (-) bacteria similar to the way a virus would
Desulfovibrio Human intestinal tract and anaerobic sediments obligate anaerobe, sulfur reducing bacteria Use S for final electron acceptor Release tons of H2S annually
Myxococcus Gliding motility Feed on bacteria they encounter Cells aggregate to form fruiting body loaded with myxospores
The (epsilon) Proteobacteria Microaerophilic, helical or vibrioid rods Motile by means of flagella
Campylobacter Helicobacter C. fetus C. jejuni H. pylori causes spontaneous abortion in domestic animals C. jejuni leading cause of bacterial diarrhea Helicobacter H. pylori common cause of stomach ulcers