Title a new page: Unbalanced & Balanced Forces. (this does not have to be in your old journal- but you must take notes on these terms because they are important to PHYSICS!
Force Not this kind of force.
Force Not this kind of force either.
Force ► A force is a push or a pull exerted on an object. ► Force is measured in a unit called a Newton (I wonder where that came from?)
Forces ► Forces are always at work on all things. ► Forces are at work on moving objects. ► Forces are at work on non-moving objects.
Balanced Forces Balanced forces are: ► When forces cancel each other out. ► There is no change in motion. ► If the object is standing still it remains standing still. ► If the object is moving it continues to move.
Unbalanced Force Unbalanced forces are: ► When two or more forces action on an object that do not cancel each other out. ► Causes a change in speed or direction. ► Can stop or start motion.
Real World Examples Tug on a rope: These men are pulling at different forces…Which side do you think will win?
Real World Examples You are correct! The man on the right will because he is using more force.
Real World Examples Pushing a box: In your journal- write another example of forces
Answer the questions on paper ► ► Equal forces….will this box move? ► ► What type of force is this?