Causes of Unbalanced Ecosystems
Natural Disasters Unnatural Disasters Biomagnification Deforestation Global Warming Eutrophication
Biomagnification Increase in concentration of a pollutant from 1 link in a food chain to another Due to – Bioaccumulation: increase in concentration of toxins in an organism or population DDT & Eagles
Pollutants have in common: Long – lived Mobile Soluble in Water Even small amounts of toxins can make it into organisms in high enough levels to cause problems Pollutants have in common: Long – lived Mobile Soluble in Water Biologically active Heavy metals like lead & mercury
Deforestation Alteration of Local and global climates Global warming Removal of indigenous forests & woodlands Results in: Alteration of Local and global climates Global warming Drier Climate (less plants, land holds less water) Soil Degradation (erosion & silting of water) Extinction/loss of Species Desertification Urban Development Increased Farming
Eutrophication Process where bodies of water receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth Especially nitrogen
Natural Causes/Sources Global Warming Causes of Global Warming Industrialization Deforestation Pollution Natural Causes/Sources
Ave. Temperatures have risen 1.4oF/0.8oC Arctic Ice Disappearing Results of Global Warming Ave. Temperatures have risen 1.4oF/0.8oC Arctic Ice Disappearing Coral Reefs Bleaching due to warmer ocean More extreme weather events (wildfires, heat waves, tropical storms) Glaciers Melting