Metropolitan Observatory of Urban Hydrology in Port-au-Prince Dr Evens EMMANUEL Laboratoire de Qualité de l’Eau et de l’Environnement Université Quisqueya BP 796, Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Context Urban wastewater (heavy metals, PAH, pharmaceuticals,…) Human health risk Possibilities to affect biological equilibrium of ecosystems Generated hazards for organisms in the disposal system Ecotoxicological risk Economical unbalance risk Direct discharge in the aquatic ecosystem
Main characteristic of Port-au-Prince WastewaterParametersUnit Maximum concentrations detected NH 3 mg/L3.61 PO4 3- mg/L62 Pbµg/L1670 CODmg/L1300 TOCmg/L302 COD/TOC-4.20
Objective of the project This aim of this observatory is to acquire reliable data on urban tropical effluents and to study their impact on natural ecosystem, in order to provide results, knowledge, and methodologies to assess the sustainability of urban water system and to propose some support for operational decision making.
Methodology A multidisciplinary approach will be developed in the following fields: Climatology, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Soil science, Chemistry, Biology, Hydrobiology, GIS, Ecotoxicology, Risk assessment.
Orientation Research actions linked to end-users needs will be oriented on: Hydraulic and pollutants loads in urban catchments during dry and wet weather; Rainfall distribution; Impact of discharges on soils, waterbodies & aquifers; Risk assessment of dredged sediments from the open channels of Port-au-Prince combined sewers systems; Development of strategies for sustainable urban water management.
Instruments of observation The experimental methods will be based on monitoring systems, with on-line monitoring sensors and samplers, dedicated to the global assessment of rainfall and urban wastewater impact.
Instruments of observation Experimental catchments in Port-au-Prince agglomeration will be selected in order to assess the impacts on: Urban and peri-urban areas, Public combined sewers systems, Private separate sewers systems, Retention and infiltration tanks (artificial refills), Impacts on watercourses and aquifers.