CyberBullying What is Cyberbullying? How to avoid being a Cyberbully What to do if you are bullied (or you are a witness to bullying)
What is a Social Contract? Ground rules people follow to show respect for each other and set the stage for productive, positive interactions and behavior; an unspoken, agreed upon code of behavior based on integrity. Driving a car Stop at stop signs, traffic lights, change lanes carefully, use signals, obey speed limit What happens if we ignore those rules? Traffic accidents, arguments What are other rules we need to follow in order for our society to function productively and safely? Don’t steal, tell the truth, be nice
Let’s create 3 – 5 rules for online behavior Use the words respect, honesty, privacy, kindness
Definition of Bullying Bullying involves repeated, unwanted, hurtful, negative behavior against someone. Bullying typically involves an unbalance of power where the bully is either physically stronger or is perceived to have more power than the target.
What types of things do bullies do? Laugh at you Shove you Make fun of you Hit you Insult you Ignore you Lie about you Make other people dislike you
If you support what a bully does, are you a bully?
If you stand by and watch someone get bullied and you don’t do anything about it, are you a bully?
Faceless Bullies What types of things do cyberbullies do to bully? Besides computers, what other devices can be used to bully someone? How does the Internet give bullies more power?
What to do if you’re a victim
For the last two days, you have gotten text messages on your cell phone from someone you don’t know who is asking you weird questions, like ‘you don’t know me but I know we could have some fun together’, ‘will you be home alone tonight so we can talk in private’, ‘are your parents really strict?’ They haven’t said anything really bad, but it is making you nervous. You responded to the first message, asking them who they are and how they got your cell phone number. They responded they know a lot of your friends, which means that one of your friends might have given this stranger your cell phone number.
Which of the following are good choices for you to deal with this situation? ignore it and hope they go away, call them back and find out who they really are, ask your friends if they know who it might be, go to your school counselor and see if they think this is a problem and what you should do about it, talk to your parents and see what they think.
Summary What is Cyberbullying? How to avoid being a Cyberbully repeated, unwanted, hurtful, negative behavior against someone. How to avoid being a Cyberbully Don’t say anything online, that you wouldn’t say in person Don’t tease or insult anyone What should you do if you are bullied (or you are a witness to bullying) Tell a trusted adult