WMO Migration Plan
Principles of the WMO Migration Plan
Specific features of RA VI Migration Plan
National Migration Plan
Data Processing
BUFR/CREX SW and validation service
Role of DCPCs or GISCs
WMO Information System (WIS) NC may be connected to a DCPC or to a GISC
Migration matrix Category Category 1: common Category 2: satellite Category 3: aviation Category 4: maritime Category 5: miscellaneous Category 6: obsolete Lists of TAC Schedule SYNOP SYNOP MOBIL PILOT PILOT MOBIL TEMP TEMP MOBIL TEMP DROP CLIMAT SAREP SATEM SARAD SATOB METAR SPECI TAF AMDAR SHIP CLIMAT SHIP PILOT SHIP TEMP SHIP BUOY TRACKOB BATHY TESAC WAVEOB RADOB IAC IAC FLEET GRID RADOF ICEAN GRAF NACLI SFAZI SFLOG SFAZU ROCOB CODAR ….. CLIMAT TEMP Start of experimental exchange Nov Nov Nov. 2002Nov. 2005Nov Start of operational Exchange Nov Nov. 2013? Nov Nov. 2007Nov Migration complete Nov. 2010Nov Nov. 2016? Nov. 2006Nov Nov TAC stopped Nov. 2014
Start of experimental exchange Data will be made available in BUFR (CREX), but not operationally. Start of operational exchange Data will be made available in BUFR (CREX) whereby some (but not all) Members rely on them operationally. Still the current alphanumeric codes will be distributed (parallel distribution). Migration complete At this date the BUFR (CREX) exchange becomes the standard WMO practice. Parallel distribution of TAC and TDCF may continue and will be discontinued step by step whenever possible with respective advance notification. TAC stopped (parallel distribution of TAC and BUFR stopped ) At this date parallel TAC and BUFR distribution is terminated. For archiving purposes and at places where BUFR (CREX) exchange still causes problems the alphanumeric codes may be used only for the exchange of data between two NMHSs.
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