WMOIOC 1 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 DBCP issues for OOPC Boram Lee IOC Secretariat for JCOMM
WMOIOC 2 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement Requirement on Wave Measurement Any other issue(s)
WMOIOC 3 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement DBCP Data Users and Technology Workshop (27-28 March 2006, Reading) Requirements expressed for drifter SST –Predicting AT, RH, through satellite SST and wind –SST analysis (e.g. Reynolds) for NWP and ocean/climate modelling –GHRSST: Resolving the SST Diurnal Cycle globally, seasonally in extreme events. Workshop agreed that this was feasible and asked DBCP to proceed DBCP-22 asked OOPC to provide detailed rationale and documentation for this requirement
WMOIOC 4 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement Timeliness (driven by NWP requirements) better Argos network of local receiving stations, use of Argos multi-satellite service, and use of other satellite data telecommunications systems (e.g. Iridium) Resolution: “provide for hourly data, at the hour” Quality existing quality information monitoring activities and feed back mechanisms (e.g. buoy QC guidelines) Advertise known quality of buoy data in order to build confidence Quantity Increase deployments or deployment strategies in certain regions ↔ Capacity Building, Coordinate with GOOS Regional Alliance
WMOIOC 5 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement NWP Climate variability, predictability, ocean modeling, climate forecast Space resolution 250x250km threshold for MSLP; all drifters with barometers; study needed on drifters escaping into tropical regions; MSLP needed in tropical regions for hurricane prediction and tracking; impact of wind (TAO) in tropical regions demonstrated SST: 5 degrees SSS: 200km Wind: 2 degrees T profiles: 1m then 5m down to 200m Surface velocity: 600km Sea ice velocity: 200 km Time resolution MSLP: Hourly SST: High resolution hourly data required for diurnal cycle resolution SST: 25 samples per week SSS: 1 sample per 10 days Wind: 1 to 4 samples per 1 to 2 days T profiles: Surface velocity: 1 sample per month Sea ice velocity: 1 sample per day Timeliness<3H at main synoptic hours (global models); forecasters need timely data. NWP requirements will be sufficient for all other applications. QualityTime of observation: 10 minutes MSLP: 0.6 hPa SST: 0.5C Wind: 5m/s for tropics; quickscat needs in situ wind in rain conditions; wind 10 min. averages; turbulence: desirable e.g. gustiness W Pacific (research) SST: 0.2C SSS: 0.1 psu Wind: 0.1 to 1 m/s T profiles: Surface velocity: 2cm/s Sea ice velocity: 1cm/s MetadataReal time: Anemometer height; instrument height; measurement technique (acoustic, WOTAN, cup...) SST: High resolution hourly data required for diurnal cycle resolution
WMOIOC 6 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement Issues: “hourly data, at the hour” Stable clock adds cost –e.g., controller with Temp Compensated Crystal Oscillator, ±1 min/yr at 0—40ºC. GPS adds cost but … –provides additional location, accuracy, frequency Argos does not provide for real-time hourly reports What is an “hourly” SST value? Instantaneous value at top of hour, average over surrounding 15 minutes, or 60 minutes?
WMOIOC 7 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement
WMOIOC 8 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on SST Measurement Recommendations to OOPC: Precise statement of OOPC requirements needed to ascertain whether/what new technological developments are required –real time requirements –clarification of the definition of hourly SST value sampling period averaging period averaging period ending on the hour or centred on the hour timing accuracy, etc. advise on technical solutions (adding a temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) or using GPS) The DBCP Evaluation Group will look at practical technical solutions in more detail and work on cost impacts once the requirements became available.
WMOIOC 9 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Requirement on enhanced high-quality, long-term wave measurements Needs for: Ocean wave climatology and variability; Air-sea interaction; Assimilation into offshore wave forecast models; Validation of wave forecast models; Calibration / validation of satellite wave sensors. The primary requirement: additional wave measurements Comprising (at a minimum) significant wave height, peak period and 1-D spectra, hourly in real-time, for assimilation into coupled atmosphere-ocean wave models for real-time forecasting activities, and subsequent verification
WMOIOC 10 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 Currently, the vast majority of existing wave measurements were made in the coastal margins of North America and western Europe, with a huge data void in most of the rest of the global ocean, particularly in the southern ocean and the tropics. * Non-moored wave observations Requirement on enhanced high-quality, long-term wave measurements
WMOIOC 11 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 DBCP-22 (October 2006, La Jolla) recommend adding wave measurements to the DBCP Implementation Strategy; invite buoy operators and Panel Members to increase wave measurements, particularly from open ocean areas, in the Southern Ocean, and the tropics; invite the DBCP Evaluation Group to address wave measurement technology issues and to communicate with the ETWS and OOPC on user requirements; recommend JCOMM/OCG to address the broader issues in terms of technological development and implementation, including wave measurements from Ocean Sites, Argo, drifters, Triton/TAO/PIRATA and shipboard systems; urge the ETWS to work with the JCOMM OPA to put forward a more detailed set of requirements for additional high-quality wave measurements Requirement on enhanced high-quality, long-term wave measurements
WMOIOC 12 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 ETWS draft of the table: Requirements for surface wave observations Requirements.html Advice/Comments ? Requirement on enhanced high-quality, long-term wave measurements
WMOIOC 13 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 What new variables might in due course be usefully implemented on data buoys (e.g. pCO 2 ) ? Other Issue(s)
WMOIOC 14 OOPC-XII, Paris, 2-5 May 2007 DBCP status