CEOS EO Handbook Database The MIM Shelley Stover CEOS Systems Engineering Office (SEO) Working Group on Climate Meeting Darmstadt March 4 - 7, 2014
History of the MIM 2WGClimate Meeting, Darmstadt, March 4 – 7, 2014 EO Handbook Database or the Missions, Instruments, Measurements (MIM) Database has an annual call to agencies in June to report an official agency response Agencies report on current and future missions, instruments, and the measurements made by the instruments Information is detailed and includes orbital specifications, instrument resolutions, measurement bands, etc Data is utilized to update the online database once a year Database is also provided (as requested) to the CEOS SEO and CEOS agencies for analysis and informational purposes Inventory Database Development and Integration Symbios, Inc. is under contract to survey the agencies, import the data, and design the online database The SEO provides support to Symbios to evolve the database and user interface by specifying user requirements, new interfaces, and new utility concepts
CEOS MIM Site Accessible from the site or 3WGClimate Meeting, Darmstadt, March 4 – 7, 2014
CEOS EO Handbook Main Page WGClimate Meeting, Geneva, February
CEOS EO Handbook Missions Page 5
CEOS EO Handbook Timelines Page 6
Example Mitigation Products Gap Analysis MIM Utility Example: Floods Mitigation Products Gap Analysis
No Requirements in MIM for Gap Analysis Requirements, like the table below, are usually derived from WMO sources Source: WMO GOS Dossier Volume-5 compiled for WMO by B. Bizzarri.
Next Step of Gap Analysis : CO2 Detailed Mission Capabilities Detailed mission capability information was not available in the MIM so this step required extensive web searches.
CO2 Timeline Analysis Detailed timeline analysis takes into consideration the instrument type and atmospheric layer. Largest issue is the potential time gap beyond OCO-2. It is unlikely that ENVISAT and GOSAT will last beyond OCO-2 has fuel for 8-years (till 2020). ASCENDS is uncertain for a 2020 launch and may be later. OCO-2 may be the only near-surface CO 2 mission in 2015 with limited repeat cycle (16 days) and spatial coverage (swath width 10-km).
ECV Inventory on the EO Handbook Site WGClimate Meeting, Darmstadt, March 4 – 7,
ECV Inventory on the EO Handbook Site WGClimate Meeting, Darmstadt, March 4 – 7,
Future Plans Expand the EO Handbook to include the ECV Inventory data. Allows reuse of much of the user interface Create an automated gap assessment tool that would provide timeline charts similar to those shown on the previous page Through links to CEOS Open Search, provide direct links to data from the measurements listed on the instruments page and the measurements timelines page Provide data policy information Provide more detailed measurement information for each instrument by providing accuracy. This is lacking in the database now and hindering the progress of automating gap assessments JAXA has graciously agreed to be the first agency to step up and provide this information for their instruments in the next MIM call 13