World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Outcome of CGMS-38 Working Group III on Contingency Planning
WMO OMM Topics Review of actions/recommendations Continuity/optimization of geostationary satellites Continuity/optimization of LEO sso satellites Revision of CGMS baseline
WMO OMM Review of actions/recommendations (1/2) Action 36.24: WMO to convene a contingency planning workshop [..] in order to investigate critical missions and associated potential contingency actions regarding the new missions implied by the Vision for the GOS in See WMO-WP-13 : workshop planned in January Close action New Action: WMO to report on the outcome of the Workshop on Continuity and Architecture Requirements for Climate Monitoring, at CGMS-39
WMO OMM Review of actions/recommendations (2) GOES-10 replacement for South America, and extension of IODC Addressed and fully satisfied Radio-Occultation follow-on In progress Address continuity of climate monitoring missions Mapping of Gap Analysis with respect to the ECVs Action WG III.7: CGMS Members to review the Draft Mapping of the gap analysis with the GCOS ECVs, and provide comments to WMO (Dr Bizzarro Bizzarri, to be considered for a revised version to be submitted to the “Workshop on Continuity and Architecture Requirements for Climate Monitoring” on January (Deadline: 15 December 2010.)
WMO OMM Operational Geostationary Component BASELINEACTUAL (Nov 2010) AREAOperatorsNominal Location OperatorsLocationSpacecraft Americas & East Pacific USA 135° W 75° W USA 135° W 75° W 60°W GOES-11 GOES-13 GOES-12 Europe & Africa EUMETSAT0°EUMETSAT0° 9.5°E Meteosat-9 Meteosat-8 (rapid scan) IndianOcean Asia & West Pacific Russian Fed China Japan 76° E 105° E 140° E EUMETSATIndia China Korea Japan 57.5° 74° 93.5°E 86.5°E 105°E 128° E 140°E Meteosat-7 Kalpana INSAT-3A FY-2D FY-2E COMS-1 (commissioning) MTSAT-1R
GOES-11 (135°W), GOES-13 (75°W), GOES-12 (60°W), Meteosat-9 (0°), Meteosat-7 (57.5°E), Kalpana (74°E), FY-2D (86°E), FY-2E (105°E), COMS-1 (128.2°E) and MTSAT-1R (140°E). INSAT-3A (93.5° to be added) Continuity/Optimization of the geo component
WMO OMM Continuity/optimization of geo satellites - Robust, successful constellation, no continuity issue foreseen - Higher density of geo satellites over Asia, lower density over Pacific - Critical transition to new generations by Recommendation WG III: Once their operational requirements are fully satisfied, CGMS Satellite Operators should consider redeployment towards less covered areas if need arises, taking advantage of available in-orbit capacity in geostationary orbit. Action WG III.2: CGMS satellite operators to report at CGMS-39 on their user-preparation activities for the next generation geostationary satellite series.
WMO OMM Continuity/optimization of SSO constellation
WMO OMM Continuity/optimization of SSO constellation - Particular attention needed on implementation of plans in PM orbit - Need to ensure data availability and exchange - ITWG recommendation to optimize orbital planes /coverage - EUMETSAT/ECMWF study demonstrating benefit of 3 distributed orbital planes for NWP (am, pm, em) Recommendation: CGMS Satellite Operators implementing new systems should provide the user community, as early as possible, with full technical details needed by users to get prepared to access and use these systems. Recommendation: Orbital planes of operational sun-synchronous satellites with sounding capability (IR and MW) should be coordinated with a view to optimize the temporal distribution in order to maximize coverage.
Revising the CGMS baseline for GEO, LEO. HEO
Satellite Missions in the WMO Vision for GOS in 2025 Transition from R&D to “operational” status GEO: imager, HS IR sounder, lightning Sun-synch: imager, IR/MW sounders, hyperspectral IR on 3 orbital planes Ocean surface topography constellation Radio-Occultation Sounding constellation Ocean Surface Wind constellation Global Precipitation constellation Earth Radiation Budget (incl. GEO) Atmospheric Composition (incl. GEO) Ocean colour and vegetation imaging Dual-angle view IR imagery Synthetic Aperture Radar Land Surface Imaging Space Weather VIS/IR imagers in Highly Elliptical Orbit Doppler wind LIDAR, Low-frequency MW GEO MW GEO High-resolution narrow-band imagers Gravimetric sensors Enhanced heritage opera- tional missions Operational pathfinders and demonstrators + intercalibration, data exchange
WMO OMM Updating the baseline … Implementation of the WMO Vision for 2025 calls for a number of enhancements and additions to current baseline CGMS should not wait until 2025 to start incorporating these changes into a new baseline Many of these changes are already or will be implemented by 2015 Especially when taking into account some «sustained programmes » of some R&D agencies members of CGMS An intermediate step (e.g. 2015) could help to « capitalize » efforts already made towards the 2025 vision, strengthen the status of these new missions, and highlight the remaining gaps
WMO OMM Draft elements for baseline update (1/3) At least 6 geostationary satellites shall be operated at evenly distributed locations with in-orbit redundancy, and perform the following missions: a)Visible and infrared imagery over the full disc at least every 15 minutes b)Infrared sounding (hyperspectral on some locations) c)Lightning detection d)Data collection e)Other missions as appropriate, e.g. Earth radiation budget monitoring, high spectral resolution UV sounding, Space environment monitoring, data dissemination. All passive instruments should be routinely intercalibrated against reference instruments or calibration sites
WMO OMM Draft elements for baseline update (2/3) A constellation of operational sun-synchronous satellites shall be deployed around three orbital planes in mid-morning (“am”, nominally 21:30 ascending ECT), afternoon (“pm”, nominally 13:30 ascending ECT) and early morning (nominally 17:30 ascending ECT) and perform the following missions: f)Visible and infrared imagery g)Microwave imagery h)Microwave sounding i)Infrared hyperspectral sounding (at least am and pm) j)Wind scatterometry over sea surfaces k)Radio-occultation sounding (at least am-pm, plus constellation in specific orbits) l)Broadband VIS/IR radiometer for Earth radiation balance (at least am and pm) m)Total Solar Irradiance (at least one spacecraft) n)Space environment monitoring o)Data collection p)Direct Broadcast q)Other missions as appropriate, e.g. atmospheric composition + routine intercalibration against reference instruments or calibration sites
WMO OMM Draft elements for baseline update (3/3) The following missions shall be performed on an operational basis by Low Earth Orbit satellites on appropriate orbits: r)Ocean surface topography by radar altimetry (Reference mission on high- precision, inclined orbit, and 2 instruments on sun-synchronous orbit am and pm) s)Radio-Occultation sounding (constellation of sensors on appropriate orbits) t)Narrow-band high-spectral resolution and hyperspectral Vis/NIR imagers (at least one sun-synchronous, am spacecraft) for ocean colour, vegetation, aerosol monitoring u)High-resolution multi-spectral Vis/IR imagers (constellation of sun-synchronous satellites, preferably in am) v)Infrared imagery for high-accuracy SST (one am spacecraft) All passive instruments should be inter-calibrated on a routine basis against reference instruments or calibration sites.
WMO OMM Actions for revising the CGMS baseline (1/2) Recommendation: The WG recommended to proceed with an update of the CGMS baseline for GEO, LEO and HEO satelllites in advance of CBS-XV in 2012, describing the target configuration for Action WG III.3: WMO with the support of the relevant Expert Teams, to prepare an update of the baseline for the space- based component of the Global Observing System along the lines of Annex 3 to the report of CGMS-38 WG III, and circulate to CGMS Members in advance of CGMS-39. Action WG III.4: WMO in collaboration with the atmospheric composition community and satellite experts to further refine the requirements for atmospheric composition observations and the optimal way to address these in the revised baseline.
WMO OMM Actions for revising the CGMS baseline (2/2) Action WG III.5: CGMS Satellite Operators to confirm their commitments to contribute to the updated baseline for the space-based component of the Global Observing System (Due date: CGMS-39). Action WG III.6: WMO to take into account the revised CGMS baseline for the space-based component of the GOS in the updating process of relevant WMO Manuals and Guides, with a view of its endorsement by CBS-XV in Recommendation: CGMS to keep under review the baseline for GEO, LEO and HEO satellites for 2015 with the aim to ensure, by 2025, a full implementation of the WMO Vision for the GOS in 2025.
WMO OMM Thank you for your attention
WMO OMM Satellite missions in the Vision for the GOS in 2025 Vision for the GOS in 2025 Transition from R&D to operational status Ocean surface topography Radio-Occultation Sounding Ocean Surface Wind (scat) Global Precipitation Earth Radiation Budget Atmospheric Composition Ocean colour and vegetation IR imagery for high accuracy SST Operational pathfinders and Demonstrators Lidar wind profile Soil Moisture/Ocean salinity HEO imagery (Molniya orbits) Implementing the new missions of the Vision….
WMO OMM POLAR- POLAR intercalibration Images: NOAA/NESDIS To ensure consistency of datasets from different missions and operators 9 Organizations currently contributing (+WMO) GEO versus Polar-orbiting Simultaneous Nadir Overpass (SNO) as primary IR inter- calibration method Global Space-based Inter-calibration System (GSICS)
WMO OMM Continuity/optimization of the geo. constellation Current nominal locations : 135 W, 75W, 0, 76 E, 105 E, 140 E Footprints for a maximum zenith angle < 70 deg