WMO SDS-WAS programme Regional Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe Activity Report 2012 Enric Terradellas (AEMET),


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Presentation transcript:

WMO SDS-WAS programme Regional Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe Activity Report 2012 Enric Terradellas (AEMET), José M. Baldasano (BSC-CNS), Emilio Cuevas (AEMET), meeting of the WMO SDS-WAS Regional Steering Group for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe, 21 January 2013

WMO SDS-WAS programme Regional Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe Intercomparison and evaluation of dust prediction models Web portal Capacity building Important meetings Plans for 2013 Intercomparison and evaluation of dust prediction models Web portal Capacity building Important meetings Plans for 2013 Outline

Intercomparison and evaluation of dust prediction models

The models Joint visualization Generation of multi-model products Evaluation of dust AOD using AERONET data Evaluation of surface concentration Evaluation of vertical profiles The models Joint visualization Generation of multi-model products Evaluation of dust AOD using AERONET data Evaluation of surface concentration Evaluation of vertical profiles

MODELINSTITUTIONRUN TIME DOMAINDATA ASSIMILATION BSC- DREAM8b BSC-CNS12RegionalNo CHIMERELMD00RegionalNo LMDzT-INCALSCE00GlobalNo MACCECMWF00GlobalMODIS AOD DREAM- NMME-MACC SEEVCCC12RegionalMACC analysis NMMB/BSC- Dust BSC-CNS12RegionalNo MetUMU. K. Met Office 00GlobalNo GEOS-5NASA00GlobalMODIS reflectances NGACNCEP00GlobalNo VARIABLES: Dust surface concentration – Dust Optical Depth at 550 nm LEAD TIME: 0 – 72 hours, every 3 hours GEOGRAPHICAL DOMAIN: 25ºW – 60ºE, 0 – 65ºN VARIABLES: Dust surface concentration – Dust Optical Depth at 550 nm LEAD TIME: 0 – 72 hours, every 3 hours GEOGRAPHICAL DOMAIN: 25ºW – 60ºE, 0 – 65ºN The models

RUN: 21 Oct 2012 VALID: 21 Oct :00 – 24 Oct :00 Joint visualization. Dust AOD at 550 nm

RUN: 21 Oct 2012 VALID: 21 Oct :00 – 24 Oct :00 Joint visualization. Surface concentration

Model outputs are bi-linearly interpolated to a common 0.5ºlon x 0.5ºlat grid mesh. Then, different multi-model products are generated: CENTRALITY: median - mean SPREAD: standard deviation – range of variation Model outputs are bi-linearly interpolated to a common 0.5ºlon x 0.5ºlat grid mesh. Then, different multi-model products are generated: CENTRALITY: median - mean SPREAD: standard deviation – range of variation Generation of multimodel products


Monthly Seasonal Annual Monthly Seasonal Annual Besides dust, there might be other aerosol types. Therefore, negative BE could be expected. Bias Error Root Mean Square Error Correlation Coefficient Fractional Gross Error Bias Error Root Mean Square Error Correlation Coefficient Fractional Gross Error Evaluation scores using AERONET data

Meteorological stations PM10 = V D’Almeida (1986) TSP = V Ben Mohamed et al. (1992) Tegen and Lacis (1996) Koschmieder equation Exploring the use of visibility to evaluate dust surface concentration

NEJRAN, Saudi Arabia Terra/MODIS 17 Mar :00 KUWAIT Int. Apt., Kuwait SEEB, Oman Available at

Evaluation of surface concentration with AQ data from Turkey

Exploring the use of lidar to evaluate dust vertical profiles

Web portal

PM10/PM2.5 Back-trajectories EUMETSAT RGB-DUST images UKMO MSG retrievals Joint visualization of forecast Surf. Conc. Joint visualization of forecast DOD 550 Monthly comparison models / AERONET Evaluation scores (monthly, seasonal, annual) Multi-model products Guidance for forecasters PM10/PM2.5 Back-trajectories EUMETSAT RGB-DUST images UKMO MSG retrievals Joint visualization of forecast Surf. Conc. Joint visualization of forecast DOD 550 Monthly comparison models / AERONET Evaluation scores (monthly, seasonal, annual) Multi-model products Guidance for forecasters Archive

Capacity building

19-23 Nov 2012: Cours sur l’utilisation des produits satellitaires aux applications agrometeorologiques, Niamey, Niger

26-28 Nov 2012: Workshop on Meteorology, Sand and Dust Storm (SDS), Combating Desertification and Erosion. Ankara, Turkey

Important meetings

Sep The WMO CBS-15 meeting recommends the designation of the Center as Regional Specialized Meteorological Center with Specialization on Atmospheric Sand and Dust Forecast(RSMC-ASDF). Jul It is expected that the WMO Executive Council meets the recommendation and the RSMC starts working. Sep The WMO CBS-15 meeting recommends the designation of the Center as Regional Specialized Meteorological Center with Specialization on Atmospheric Sand and Dust Forecast(RSMC-ASDF). Jul It is expected that the WMO Executive Council meets the recommendation and the RSMC starts working Sep 2012: WMO Fifteenth Session of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS-15), Jakarta, Indonesia

20-22 Nov 2012: Regional Conference on Dust and Dust Storm, Kuwait UNEP and WMO organized a special session on the scientific aspects of the Regional SDS Programme. Experts gave recommendations on the programme improvement.

Plans for 2013: Outstanding activities

Dissemination of numerical forecast products (Mar 2013) Publication of an activity report (Jun 2013) Start of activities in the Operational Center (Sep 2013) Preparation of a scientific conference on dust to be held in Barcelona in spring 2014 (together with a face RSG meeting) Participation in capacity building activities (Turkey, Oman) Joint evaluation of the dust models: new approaches Dissemination of numerical forecast products (Mar 2013) Publication of an activity report (Jun 2013) Start of activities in the Operational Center (Sep 2013) Preparation of a scientific conference on dust to be held in Barcelona in spring 2014 (together with a face RSG meeting) Participation in capacity building activities (Turkey, Oman) Joint evaluation of the dust models: new approaches

Thanks for your attention !! WMO SDS-WAS programme Regional Center for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe