Slide No.1 I. Greetings Hello 안녕하세요 Bonjour Habari Jongha Kim Programmer & IT Expert CTO, SBIS Co., Ltd. Republic of Korea
Slide No.2 I. Greetings President of SBIS, HyeonPyo Hong miss New Director Dr. Artan, Prof. Ogallo and African friends. And He say “I am glad to congratulate GHACOF38 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. SBIS will try to be a helpful company for Africa. SBIS always with your every success in the future.”
Slide No.3
Slide No.4 Table of Contents I. GreetingsII. Introduce SBISIII. Websites built by SBISIV. Software of SBISV. Built a RA I RCC WebsiteVI. Model Infrastructure for ICPACVII. Modeling for ICPACVIII. GSM Flow DiagramIX. GSM Detail InformationX. RSM Flow DiagramXI. RSM Detail Information.XII. Resolution comparison of GSM vs RSMXIII. TO-BE
Slide No.5 II. Introduce SBIS ☞ Company name & CEO ☞ Company Provides. - Software Development for Meteorological and Climate - System Integration Service for Enterprise and Government - Consulting Service for ISO, Management with Meteorological and Climate and IT Service - R&D Service for Meteorological and Climate, Enterprise, Big Data and Cloud Computing
Slide No.6 III. Website built by SBIS WMO, LC for LRF, MME APCC Websites SBIS Climate Monitoring System Smart Meteorological Service for2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games WMO RA I RCC We have built a variety of Web sites. The climate and weather-related website is as follows:
Slide No.7 IV. Software of SBIS AutoGrADS Web Based Scientific Visualization Tool BUMERANG- CMS Multi Monitor System Software and Hardware For Comparison and Analysis Climate and Meteorological data SOMANTO Contents Management System for building Website Company Operation and Communication System For Enterprise and Governments We have developed a variety of Software. The climate and weather-related S/W is as follows:
Slide No.8 Outlook to work for ICPAC - Install HPCC Hardware and Software - Install Model Software and Configuration - Built RA I RCC Web Site. - Install AutoGrADS for ICPAC - Trainning for HPCC and Scientific Visualization
Slide No.9 Training for HPCC and Scientific Visualization - How to Install HPCC and Scientific Libraris - How to Model Install GSM and RSM - How to Install Visualization Software NCL and GrADS - GrADS Tutorial - NCL Tutorial
Slide No.10 V. Built a RA I RCC Website - News - Climate Monitoring - El Nino/Na Nina Indicis - RCC Products - GPC/LC Product - Verification - R&D - Education and Tranning We built a RA I RCC Website include below menus:
Slide No.11 V. Built a RA I RCC Website We install and modify to upload contents easily by ICPAC’s Webmaster. We provided Contents Management System(CMS)
Slide No.12 VI. Model Infrastructure for ICPAC One Master Node One Data Node …… 20 Compute Node
Slide No.13 VII. Modeling for ICPAC GSM RSM WRF Domain1 WRF Domain2
Slide No.14 VIII. GSM Flow Diagram GFS Server Pre processing Run GSM Post processing
Slide No.15 IX. GSM Detail Information INITIAL_SIGMA=/data/NCEP/ /sanl ieee INITIAL_SFC=/data/NCEP/ /sfcanl ieee INITIAL_SFC_FILE_TYPE=ncp1 Initial Data for GSM We get initial data from GFS Data Server of NOAA The Settings of GSM script for GFS Data is below : Time Interval for GSM We set time interval 6 Hours The Settings of GSM script is below : ENDHOUR=540 INCHOUR=$ENDHOUR INTSFCX=6 INTSIG=6 INTSFC=6 INTPOST=6 INTRESTART=6 Resolution for GSM We set resolution lat/lon 360 x 180, level 17 The Settings of GSM source header is below : #define _io_ 360 #define _jo_ 181 #define _ko_ 17
Slide No.16 IX. GSM Detail Information Global Forecast for African Forecast for Result Data Example from GSM
Slide No.17 X. RSM Flow Diagram GSM Result data Pre processing Run RSM Post Processing
Slide No.18 XI. RSM Detail Information GLOBAL_SIG_INITIAL=/data/MODEL/G SM/GSM2/GSM/gsm_runs/g_000/sig.ft00 GLOBAL_SFC_INITIAL=/data/MODEL/G SM/GSM2/GSM/gsm_runs/g_000/sfc.ft00 INITIAL_SFC_FILE_TYPE=noa1 BASE_SIG=/data/MODEL/GSM/GSM2/G SM/gsm_runs/g_000/sig.ft\${FH} # YYYYS=2014 MMS=08 DDS=23 HHS=00 Initial Data for RSM We get initial data from GSM result data The Settings of RSM script is below : Time Interval for RSM We set time interval 3 Hours The Settings of RSM script is below : ENDHOUR=504 DELTAT_REG=120 NESTING_HOUR=6 SWHR_REG=1 LWHR_REG=1 INTSFCX=24 INCHOUR=$ENDHOUR INTPOST=3 INTPGB=$INTPOST INTRESTART=6
Slide No.19 XI. RSM Detail Information Africa domain for RSM We set domain for Africa The Settings of RSM script is below : RPROJ=0. RTRUTH=25. RORIENT=50. RDELX= RDELY= RCENLAT=25. RCENLON=50. RLFTGRD=251. RBTMGRD=250. Resolution for RSM We set resolution lat/lon 251 x 250 The Settings of RSM source header is below : #define _igrd_ 250 #define _jgrd_ 251
Slide No.20 XI. RSM Detail Information Regional Forecast for Temp. GHA Forecast for Temp. Result Data Example from RSM
Slide No.21 XI. RSM Detail Information Ethiopian Regional Temperature Forecast for ( ~12) Ethiopian Regional Rainfall Forecast For ( ~12) Result Data Example from RSM
Slide No.22 XII. Resolution comparison of GSM vs RSM Ethiopian Forecast for Temp. Global 100km x 100km Ethiopian Forecast for Temp. Regional 20km x 20km Result Data Example from GSM and RSM
Slide No.23 XIII. TO-BE Improve Model result resolution for climate and application. Improve Cluster’s Computing and Network power. Improve Data Storage Size. Improve Men Power by training ICPAC needs to
Slide No.24 감사합니다. MerciThank you asante