Groom-gliders Trieste data-management meeting Trieste, June 2013 T&S real-time QC n 1. Platform identification : valid wmo ID n 2. Impossible date test.


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Presentation transcript:

Groom-gliders Trieste data-management meeting Trieste, June 2013 T&S real-time QC n 1. Platform identification : valid wmo ID n 2. Impossible date test : y ear greater than 2000 and not in future n 3. Impossible location test Latitude in range −90 to 90 and longitude in range −180 to 180 n 4. Position on land test Comparison with ETOP5 bathymetry : will not work properly n 5. Impossible speed test n 6. Global range test on T, S pressure ]-5, 3000] dbar, temperature ]-2.5, 40] °C, salinity ]2, 41] psu n 7. Regional range test on T, S

Groom-gliders Trieste data-management meeting Trieste, June 2013 Oxygen real-time quality control n Since November 2012, a real-time QC is applied to Argo floats oxygen data n Argo floats report oxygen in an homogeneous way as –DOXY : micromole/kg –The oxygen calculation is documented on :

Groom-gliders Trieste data-management meeting Trieste, June 2013 Oxygen real-time quality control n An equivalent quality control will be tested on Glider oxygen data n According to that study, the following settings may be applied for oxygen real-time QC –Global range : -0,5 to 600 micromole/kg –Spike : 100 micromole/kg –Gradient : 100 micromole/kg