4th International Symposium on Flood Defence 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence Toronto, Canada 6 May 2008 Global Policy Making Process on Water-


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Presentation transcript:

4th International Symposium on Flood Defence 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence Toronto, Canada 6 May 2008 Global Policy Making Process on Water- related Disaster Risk Reduction Sálvano Briceño Director, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)

Low income Lower-middle income Upper-middle income High income 1a. Human losses: numbers © 2006 NatCatSERVICE, Geo Risks Research, Munich Re Disaster trends & impacts -> rising 2. Economic losses: non-insured and insured Source: EM-DAT, OFDA/CRED, Brussels, world data : 1b. Human losses: hazards by personal income I

Global Risk Trends - Disasters are NOT “Natural” Natural and human-induced hazards Climate change and variables (global warming …) Socio-economic: poverty, unplanned urban growth, lack of awareness and institutional capacities... unplanned urban growth, lack of awareness and institutional capacities... Physical: insufficient land use planning, housing, infrastructures located in hazard prone areas... Environmental degradation ecosystem degradation; coastal, watershed, marshland…, etc. ecosystem degradation; coastal, watershed, marshland…, etc. HAZARDS + EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS VULNERABILITY Natural hazardVulnerability X= Disaster Risk

Disaster Risk Reduction – An Agenda in Progress 1989: IDNDR – promotion of disaster reduction, technical and scientific buy-in 1994: Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action –first blueprint for disaster reduction policy guidance (social & community orientation) 2000: International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) - increased public commitment, linked to sustainable development, enlarged networking and partnerships. Mechanisms: IATF/DR, ISDR secretariat, UN Trust Fund 2002: Johannesburg Plan of Implementation - WSSD Includes new section on “An integrated, multi-hazard, inclusive approach to address vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management…” 2005: WCDR - Hyogo Framework for Action Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters 2007: Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction The ISDR Movement (next one in 2009)

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Launched in 2000 by UN General Assembly Resolution A/54/219 as successor of the International Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction – IDNDR, : The ISDR aims at building disaster resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development, with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters.

ISDR Secretariat: Headquarters in Geneva and regional offices in Panama - Americas; Nairobi - Africa; Bangkok – Asia; Dushanbe - Central Asia; Cairo – West Asia & North Africa Thematic Platforms: (Platform for the Promotion of Early Warning in Bonn, Germany; International Recovery Platform in Kobe, Japan; CIIFEN in Guayaquil, Ecuador; Global Wildland Fire Network in Freiburg, Germany, Int’l Flood Initiative, Tsukuba, Japan…) Partner Networks and Regional Centres: (ADPC, ADRC, ASEAN, SAARC, ECO, SOPAC, CEPREDENAC, CDERA, ACS, CAPRADE, AU/NEPAD, SADR, ECOWAS, IGAD, CoE, CIS, etc.) UN agencies and Governments: ISDR Support Group, ISDR/Management Oversight Board and ISDR Inter-agency Group ISDR System

ISDR main functions Policy and Coordination Guide & monitor implementation of HFA Advocacy Annual awareness campaign, publications Information Management & Networks websites, Living with Risk, PreventionWeb Partnerships, outreach support to regional partners & countries (national platforms and action plans- policy, advocacy, information ISDR system and resource mobilization

UN landscape: scope for mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction

World Conference on Disaster Reduction 168 Governments, 78 regional and int’l orgs, and 161 NGOs attended Integrate disaster risk reduction into policies, plans and programmes of sustainable development and poverty reduction Recognize risk reduction as both a humanitarian and development issue – in the context of sustainable development Hyogo Framework for Action Building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters 3 Strategic goals 5 Priorities for action Cross-cutting issues Implementation and follow-up Focus on national and local implementation, with bilateral, multilateral, regional and international cooperation Targets and indicators to be developed according to needs

Three strategic goals - The integration of disaster risk reduction into sustainable development policies and planning. - The development and strengthening of institutions, mechanisms and capacities to build resilience to hazards. - The systematic incorporation of risk reduction approaches into the implementation of emergency preparedness, response and recovery programmes. Hyogo Framework for Action (continued)

Five priorities for action 1. Governance: ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and local priority with strong institutional basis for implementation 2. Risk identification: identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning 3. Knowledge: use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels 4. Reducing the underlying risk factors: mainstreaming in various sectors (environment, health, social support, insurance and risk transfer, critical infrastructure and construction, etc.) 5. Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response. Hyogo Framework for Action (continued)

National level : National Platforms for DRR established in 40 countries, 102 countries designated HFA focal points, 31 linked to CCA/UNDAF, 31 linked to PRSPs of World Bank Regional level: Regional strategies – Asia (Beijing Plan of Action), Africa (AU/NEPAD), Europe (Council of Europe), Pacific (Madang Framework) with Ministerial commitments, regional consultations planned in other regions. Regional cooperation – ISDR Asia Partnership, collaborative centers, initiatives of drought (China), seismic risk (Iran), etc. Tsunami early warning and recovery has stimulated a wider risk reduction agenda In Indian Ocean International level: Engagement of different sectors environment, education, health Increased commitment – UN agencies, WB/GFDRR, Regional Development Banks, EC, Other Donors… More engagement of NGO actors, private sector interests Progress in implementation of the HFA

MDGs threatened by disasters (now enhanced by Climate Change…)  Urgent attention is needed to reduce the risks of water- related hazards as they already threaten the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and are likely to increase as a result of climate change  Rapid rising of food prices – related to soaring world oil prices and speculative operation  Food shortage due to climate change impacts and rapid population growth, especially in Africa  These situations would create a breeding ground for large disasters due to high vulnerability and little preparedness  Large disasters would greatly hinder sustainable development (vicious cycle…)

Weaknesses Internationally agreed policy documents such as MDGs, PRSPs and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) still have less focus on water-related disaster risk reduction Water-related disaster risks and their reduction should be a core element of all global policies and programmes Risk impact assessments should be carried out for all development investments and projects, similar to EIAs

ISDR to facilitate global policy making processes through the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP/DRR)  Water-related hazards are a major source of disasters, and therefore the water sector must actively contribute to disaster policy and action, in particular by implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action  GP/DRR: A biennial forum for monitoring progress on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, sharing experiences, increasing awareness of DRR at high- level authorities, national & international, and ensuring commitment at higher level & support by various stakeholders (2nd session, Geneva, June 2009)

Goals and Targets (1)  Specific goals and targets to reduce water-related disaster risks should be agreed at a high political level and put into operational practice through multi-stakeholder mechanisms such as national platforms for DRR  High-Level Expert Panel on Water and Disaster reporting to the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation, initiated in Tokyo, September 2007  Joint secretariat (Japan Water Forum, Korea Water Forum, World Water Council & UN/ISDR) with international experts and representatives from WMO, UNESCO, UNICEF and ICHARM, initially chaired by Dr. Han Seung- soo (current Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea)

Goals and Targets (2) The recommendations will be presented at the Fifth World Water Forum in Istanbul, Turkey in March 2009 and at the Second Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, June 2009

International Flood Initiative (1) - Initiated jointly by UNESCO and WMO (closely collaborating with UNU, IAHS, IAHR, ICLR, IIASA and ISDR) at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan in January Secretariat located at the Int’l Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) in Tsukuba, Japan - A group of major int’l actors tackling flood risks - Link to the GP/DRR as a thematic platform - Among other tasks, it will develop guidelines for governments to reduce water-related disaster risks

International Flood Initiative (2) Work programme covering the following areas (currently being discussed) : - Research agenda (coordinated by IAHS & IAHR) - Information networking (UNU) - Education and training (UNESCO) - Technical assistance (WMO)

Other contributions of ISDR to water- related disaster risk reduction - Tropical Cyclone Disaster Risk Reduction at the regional level (WMO, UN/ESCAP) - Tsunami Early Warning System in the Indian Ocean and other oceans and seas (UNESCO/IOC) - The International Research Center on El Niño (CIIFEN) - a center drawing together information on ENSO and its impacts (WMO) - Drought Risk Reduction Framework (WFP, FAO) - Climate Change Adaptation - Bali Action Plan (UNFCCC) - Other related platforms: Education and Knowledge Management (UNESCO, UNICEF), IRP (UNDP), PPEW (ISDR/WMO)

Bali Action Plan (adopted in UNFCCC/COP 13, Dec 2007) - It includes risk management, risk reduction strategies and means to address loss and damage associated with climate change impacts as significant elements of climate change adaptation (para.1c) - Now, ISDR, with partners, will support implementation of the Bali Action Plan leading to UNFCCC/COP 15, Copenhagen, December 2009

“Climate change is expected to cause more severe and more frequent natural hazards. As our cities and coasts grow more vulnerable, these hazards can lead to disasters that are far worse than those we have seen to date. We have a moral, social and economic obligation to build resilience by Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action will also help us reach the Millennium Development Goals.” Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations