WHAT IS FOOD ENGINEERING? Food Engineering is an engineering discipline. Food processing, preservation, transportation and production of new foods are subjects of this dicipline
In our department only; master and doctorate training is planned.
Currently our department is the establishment phase. It is working to create the infrastructure and academic staff.
In our department, there is currently an Associate Professor. A professor will begin to work in our department in a few months Regarding our university department in 2014; 1 Professor 2 Associate Professor 2 Assistant Professor reception is planned.
Master program will be opened in 2014 Now; 3 laboratory is available. A large part of our basic laboratory equipment has been completed in related to food engineering more specific equipment will be purchased in
Devices in our department Real Time PCR HPLC Kjeldahl UV-Visible spectrophotometer Auto Refractometer Refrigerated centrifuge Colony Counter Ultra Turax Ultrasonic bath Autoclave Oven Ultrapure deionized pure water equipment Muffle Furnace Extraction Apparatus Heated Magnetic Stirrer Table-top pH meters Analytical Scales Precision Scales Water distillation apparatus Rotory evaporator
Study subjects of Ass.Prof.A. Kemal Seçkin Food Technology Functional Foods Food Quality Control Instrumental Food Analysis
Analysis can be made in our laboratory 11 pH 12 Protein 13 Salt 14 Ascorbic Acid 15 Fat 16 İodine Number 17 Peroxide Number 18 Saponification Number 19 Free Faty Acid 20 GMO 1 Brix 2 Fructose 3 Glucose 4 Lactose 5 Sucrose 6 Invert Sugar 7 Refractive index 8 Dry Matter 9 Ash 10 Ash in Dry Matter 21 TBA In Meat 22 Searching The Horse Meat 23 Searching The pork Meat 24 Searching The Ass Meat 25 Searching The Turkey Meat 26 Searching The Cattle Meat 27 Searching Soy Bean 28 Searching The Chıcken Meat 29 Searching The Sheep’s Milk 30 Searching The Cow Milk 31 Searching The Goat Milk 32 Homogenization Level of Milk 33 Reichert-meisse Number 34 Aapartame 35 Assesulfam k 36 Benzoıc Acid 37 HMF 38 Casein 39 Nitrate 40 Nitrite