Water Purification in the Backcountry
Biologically contaminated water contains infection- causing microorganisms such as Giardia, bacteria, or viruses. Chemically contaminated water contains hazardous levels of chemicals from pesticide runoff, mine tailings, naturally occurring mineral deposits, secretions from blue-green algae, etc. Boiling, filtering, or chemically treating water can remove or kill microorganisms, but it will not remove chemical toxins. Biologically vs Chemically Contaminated Water
Boiling Boiling is the most certain way of killing all microorganisms. According to the Wilderness Medical Society, water temperatures above 160° F kill all pathogens within 30 minutes and above 185° F within a few minutes. Generally, in the time it takes for the water to reach the boiling point (212° F) from 185° F, all pathogens will be killed. To be extra safe, let the water boil rapidly for one minute, especially at higher altitudes since water boils at a lower temperature
Boiling Temperature vs Altitude
Chemical Treatment with Chlorine or Iodine Effective against protozoans (Giardia), bacteria and viruses Follow label directions, watch expiration dates Low temps = increased waiting time Turbidity (high solids) reduces effectiveness (use cloth strainer or coffee filter) Don’t add drink mix until treatment is complete
Chemical Treatment with Chlorine or Iodine Small and light – good back-up Keep hands away from eyes after handling tablets Tip: swish water to dissolve tablets. Start timing after tablet dissolves completely Tip: After tablet dissolves, splash some of the water on the threads and cap
Iodine Some don’t like taste Best if water > 68oF Contraindications: Women over 50 Iodine allergy (shellfish??) Pregnant Thyroid problems Lithium treatment
Chlorine Micropur MP1 tablets issued at Philmont Generally no allergy problems Effective when used correctly, but not idiot- proof
Katadyn Micropur MP1 Chemical Tablets Microorganisms KilledContact Time EPA Water #1 (clear, 68º F) EPA Water #2 (dirty, 39º F) Bacteria15 Minutes Virus15 Minutes Cysts30 Minutes4 Hours
Water Filters Effective against protozoans (Giardia) and bacteria. NOT effective against viruses (viruses are too small). Waterborne viruses are generally not considered an issue in North American backcountry waters. Work on turbid (high solids) water, but filters clog more quickly. Work on cold water E. coli
Working Parts of a Filter
Water Filter Strategies and Tips Two people per filter is fastest. One pumps while the other holds the receiving bottles and manages the lids Choose the clearest water available. Calm water from a large lake is best. Draw water from below the surface and above the bottom. Let turbid water settle first, or prefilter w/ cloth, a coffee filter or an inline filter MSR Sweetwater Siltstopper Inline Prefilter
Water Filter Cleaning & Maintenance Some filter elements can be cleaned to restore flow, others must be replaced Some tolerate freezing, others don’t Read the directions and practice! Keep the dirty hose separate from the clean hose. Don’t mix them up. Clean and dry hoses after trips (same goes for hydration systems)
Variations on the Filter Theme Structured matrix or filter plus built-in chemical treatment for viruses (meet EPA “purifier” tests) Gravity Filters – no pump, so slow, but good for camp Squeeze filters – generate pressure by squeezing a bag or bottle Straws – generate pressure by mouth suction
UV Purification Good for protozoans (Giardia), bacteria and viruses Not good for turbid (high solids) water Works in cold water. Requires batteries Bulb delicate??