Creating a Collaborative Learning Space in a Chemistry Curriculum Ilse Rootman-le Grange, Liezel Retief, Ed Jacobs, Hanelie Adendorff, Moira Bladergroen,


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Presentation transcript:

Creating a Collaborative Learning Space in a Chemistry Curriculum Ilse Rootman-le Grange, Liezel Retief, Ed Jacobs, Hanelie Adendorff, Moira Bladergroen, Ydalene Coetsee

Chemistry 176 Test 4 September 2014

“Chemistry, specifically, is a challenging science because it requires good understanding of several concepts and the ability to transition between micro, macro, and symbolic representations. Studies, however, indicate that students develop unconnected and compartmentalized knowledge, which makes learning chemistry hard for many students … Ozcan Gulacar and Charles R. Bowman, 2014

The PIC Project

Final assignment: Write two paragraphs for a personal journal in which you reflect on your own learning during the process of compiling the PIC portfolio.

What I have learnt about chemistry is that it is important to make sure that I understand the section at hand before moving on to the next section. This is because everything you have learnt in the previous topics will be applied. Tydens die PIC projek het ek ook gesien hoe al die verskillende hoofstukke wat ons in die afgelope paar maande in die klas bespreek het, saamgevat word. Integration of concepts Chemistry 176 outcomes

Active learning Chemistry 176 outcomes I learnt to work on many problems in chemistry that I could not solve before because I had no choice but to work on them on my own. Ek is iemand wat beter begrip kry as ek dit self doen en weet waar die konsepte vandaan kom en inmekaar pas. Dis presies wat die projek doen. Dit laat jou self die verskillende konsepte leer deur die toepassing daarvan.

Integration of modules I learnt …how to reference correctly. As of the introduction to Google docs, it has shown us a more academic method of interaction which I believe will be a good reference in future. I thought a greater deal of the project would be handled in Computer Skills 176, where we would be able to learn more than just what we need to know in terms of the PIC project so I believe that was an opportunity missed. Aan die begin van die PIC- projek was dit regtig vir my ’n uitdaging om nuttige en betroubare bronne op te spoor. Dit het my geforseer om van die biblioteek … gebruik te maak. I have to evaluate and integrate the information …from different sources …which requires my understanding and language skills as I cannot take someone else’s work and take credit for it. (I) have learned how to type fast because now at least I can type more than 20 words per minute. I learnt …how to reference correctly. Aan die begin van die PIC- projek was dit regtig vir my ’n uitdaging om nuttige en betroubare bronne op te spoor. Dit het my geforseer om van die biblioteek … gebruik te maak. I have to evaluate and integrate the information …from different sources …which requires my understanding and language skills as I cannot take someone else’s work and take credit for it. (I) have learned how to type fast because now at least I can type more than 20 words per minute.

Research shows that students learn better when they reflect on their learning. Write two paragraphs for a personal journal in which you reflect on your own learning during the process of compiling the PIC portfolio. Divide this task in personal and scientific reflection (the first paragraph about what you have learnt in terms of skills for group-work, etc. and the next paragraph about what you have learnt about Chemistry). According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, students need to move from knowledge to comprehension to application to analysis to synthesis to evaluation in order to learn better. Where on this pyramid do you see your engagement with Chemistry? Has the PIC improved your learning style? Have you moved from surface to deep learning?

Our Response Before Hydrogen iodide decomposes in an equilibrium reaction to form iodine and hydrogen. At equilibrium the following concentrations were measured: [HI] = 0.49 M, [I 2 ] = M, [H 2 ] = M. a)Write a balanced equation for the reaction that takes place. b)Calculate K c for the reaction. c)How much hydrogen iodide must be added to the equilibrium mixture to increase the iodine concentration from M to M? After Hydrogen iodide decomposes in an equilibrium reaction to form iodine and hydrogen. At equilibrium the following concentrations were measured: [HI] = 0.49 M, [I 2 ] = 0.60 M, [H 2 ] = M. How much hydrogen iodide must be added to the equilibrium mixture to increase the iodine concentration from M to M?

Elke toets toets jou kennis en begrip. Nuwe tipe vrae, sukkel om te verstaan en toe te pas. Ek het gesukkel met die vraag... Ek kon die HS - vergelyking oplos, maar het gesukkel om te onthou wat om volgende te doen....want ek het nie na sulke probleme gekyk nie. Feedback

the assignment … rather underwhelming and the complete opposite to what I had anticipated. …soms gevoel dit was tyd mors en nie mooi deurgedink nie. Being involved in this project has been the greatest experience I’ve ever had. …developed an interest of curiosity, wanting to learn more about how things are … something I never had before. … project has proven to be beneficial to both my knowledge in Chemistry, as well as personal development. Summary