1 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: MOZAMBIQUE INTERNET EXCHANGE
2 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project team 5 Cabral, Cecilia, Sergio, Worport and Erik
3 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Project Objective 5 Video
4 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Interconnections are the Keystone of Internet 1 Economy of scale advantages through interconnectiong over an IX: - cost for maintenance and administration - cost for equipment ISP 1ISP 2 IX Interconnecting with direct connection Interconnecting via third party operated Internet Exchange Point ISP 4ISP 3
5 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Peering and Transit 1 There exists two different types of interconnections; peering and transit. Peering: is an interconnection business relationship whereby ISPs provide connectivity to each others´customers Transit: is the business relationship whereby one ISP provides (usually sells) access to all destinations in its routing table
6 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: From Transit to Peering 1 Through peering the ISPs would get a cheaper and faster network for the national traffic Upstream Transit Provider ISP 1ISP 2 Transit = $$$, ~3 s Peering = $, ~3 ms
7 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Internet market in Mozambique The bottleneck for the Internet development in Mozambique is the expensive and limited bandwidth to the Internet and the lack of local interconnections 1 DescriptionValue Number of fixed line telecom operators1 (TDM) Number of major ISPs9 ISPs International bandwidth (transit)Download: > 10Mbps Upload: > 4 Mbps Number of Internet subscriptions>
8 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Deploy a low cost based Internet Exchange Point (IX) in Maputo, interconnecting at least four ISPs before the end of May The Mozambique IX project Objective 1 MOZ-IX From the 15 th May 2002 there exists an IX in Maputo, Mozambique TDM Virconn EMIL CFMNet Tropical Net TV Cabo Downlink 2Mbps Internet CIUEM Teledata Internet 1024/512 kbps Internet Downlink Com. Sol. Status: Connected Status: Physical connection on its way 5/1,5 Mbps 1 Mbps 128 kbps 512 kbps 256 kbps 64 kbps 256 kbps
9 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Project Objective 5 Video
10 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Main Modules 2 The objective contains two aspects: Development of MOZ-IX Implementation of MOZ-IX Training of ISPs MOZ-IX tools: - IX Webpage - MRTG - Looking glass Organization of MOZ-IX Financing of MOZ-IX MOZ-IX regulations: - Policy - Peering - Transit - QoS MOZ-IX Administration Technology Organization
11 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX 2 1 Project Objective Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Video Technology Organization
12 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: MOZ-IX 2 This is what we have been building
13 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: MOZ-IX technical implementation 2 The MOZ-IX is....located at the Eduardo Mondlane University..based on a layer 2 solution..consisting of a switch and a number of routers
14 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Infrastructure The environment into which the MOZ-IX is deployed Politics All parties should feel that they can trust the MOZ-IX Costs The MOZ-IX should be deployed at an affordable price Technical knowledge The responsible staff should be able to maintain MOZ-IX Factors that effect the solution 2
15 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 Variables to be decided upon Location Where should MOZ-IX be located Topology What should the design look like Equipment What hardware should be used to implement the MOZ-IX
16 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 The location of MOZ-IX New Location Located at any of the ISPs TDM..Starting with where the MOZ-IX should be placed, there are some alternatives CIUEM
17 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 Topology There are some different general solutions when designing an IX point Layer 2 solutions Layer 3 solutions Switch as central traffic relaying device Router as central traffic relaying device
18 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 Layer 2 Solutions AdvantagesDisadvantages The ISPs control the traffic ISP technicians need routing knowledge IX staff does not need routing knowledge Cheap for the IX operator Scalable
19 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 Layer 3 Solutions AdvantagesDisadvantages The ISPs control the traffic ISP technicians need routing knowledge The ISP technicians do not need routing knowledge Not scalable Cheap for the ISPs Trust is needed between IX operator and ISPs
20 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Design of the MOZ-IX 2 Based on a layer 2 solution with modifications for one-pair leased lines Scalable Insures trust between ISPs and MOZ-IX Simple Requires training for ISPs
21 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 Measuring traffic through Moz IX Monitoring traffic (MRTG) Tropical Net Latency improvements 708ms 160ms Round trip time Traffic through satelliteTraffic through Moz IX
22 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 The present topology of MOZ-IX
23 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: 2 The coming topology of MOZ-IX
24 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX 2 1 Project Objective Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Video Technology Organization
25 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Ownership of MOZ-IX 2 The hosting of the IX at CIUEM facilitates the start-up of the IX, but the IX are to be operated by the ISP together and placed elsewhere in the future OwnershipGrowth potential Ease of initiation NeutralityCompetence level University/ResearchLowHigh Non-profit ISP association HighMedium/LowMediumHigh Governemental/ Institutional LowMediumHighLow Private ISP ownershipHigh LowHigh National PTOs (TDM)LowMediumLow Telehousing companies High Medium
26 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: IX Organization Organization of MOZ-IX 2 President Organization Hosting organization Technical Officer MOZ-IX Association The organization consists of one president organization, one hosting organization and one member’s association.
27 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Responsibilities 2 OrganizationResponsibility ISPs- Traffic flow over IX - Maintenance weekdays Adhere to the Technical Requirements at all time - Technical and organizational development of MOZ-IX Presidental Organization- Monthly ISP meetings - Joining and Termination of ISP members - Non-compliance and responsibility discussions with the members - Issues calling attention Hosting Organization (CIUEM) - IX room - Responsible for account and fees - Homepage Technical Officer (Antonio Godinho) - IX maintenance weekdays 7-19 MOZ-IX is operated by an ISP association and the main responsibility lies with the connected ISPs
28 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: MOZ-IX Administration Documents Policy of MOZ-IX Connection agreement Service definition Procedures Joining Termination Payment of fees There must be some regulatory documents and procedures. The objective is to keep all documents and procedures as simple as possible, though. 2
29 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Financing of MOZ-IX 2 Start-up costs: Project costs Equipment Hosting costs: Space rental Salary to staff Electricity Security Other overhead costs Continous costs: Depreciation of equipment (IP Addresses) SIDA & DFID CIUEM ISPs The ISPs will pay a monthly fee of US$ 50, to cover future costs.
30 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: MOZ-IX Policy 2 1. Amendments and Appendices 2. MOZ-IX Responsibilities 3. Member Responsibilites 4. Peering 5. Membership and Connection to IX 6. Technical Requirements 7. Non-compliance 8. Fees 9. Termination 10.Liability 11.Governing Law and Dispute Resolution Articles in the Policy: Americo Muchanga, CIUEM and Helder Santos, Virtual Connection agrees to adhere to the Policy
31 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Peering 2 Multi-lateral peering agreement (MLPA) 4.1 Member agrees to exchange traffic through the MOZ-IX Infrastructure with all other Members. Or Bi-lateral peering agreement 4.1 Member agrees to exchange traffic through the MOZ-IX Infrastructure only where there is a bilateral peering agreement between Member and the party with whom traffic is exchanged. 4.2 Peering with other MOZ-IX members are not covered by this Policy. The Member is responsible for the conclusion of peering agreements. The traffic over MOZ-IX is governed by bi-lateral peering agreements
32 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: MOZ-IX QoS 2 OrganizationResponsibility ISPs- Traffic flow over IX - Maintenance weekdays Adhere to the Technical Requirements at all time - Technical and organizational development of MOZ-IX Presidental Organization- Monthly ISP meetings - Joining and Termination of ISP members - Non-compliance and responsibility discussions with the members - Issues calling attention Hosting Organization (CIUEM) - IX room - Responsible for account and fees - Homepage Technical Officer (Antonio Goudinho) - IX maintenance weekdays 7-19 MOZ-IX has got a best-effort service level
33 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Transit 2 Internet ISP 1 ISP 2 IX Transit traffic is not allowed over the MOZ-IX infrastructure as long as the bandwidth in to the IX is limited
34 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Project Objective 5 Video
35 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Project progresses 3 Traffic exchange over MOZ-IX Tools up and running MOZ-IX organization MOZ-IX policy MOZ-IX administration Individual contribution Interviews with ISPs Internet market analysis Training of ISPs Physical connections Fix MOZ-IX room Implementation of MOZ-IX Implement tools Organization of MOZ-IX Presentation for ISPs IX Webpage Final report Video Presentation Exhibition material Handover MOZ-IX evaluation Inauguration Theoretical and TestingImplementationTermination Phases Actions Deliverables 2/415-30/5 Initial Project Plan Request for IP Contact ISPs Inform the ISPs on requirements Order equipment Draft IX policy Presentation for stake- holders in Mozambique Lessons Learned Midterm presentation Study of technology related to IX Interviews Gather information on ISP in Mozambique Study business models of other IX Topology of IX Configuration of IX Looking glass Monitoring tool Set up test equipment Run tests and decide topology and configuration Prepare solution for transportation 20/1 The project has gone through four phases:
36 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Project challenges External Implementation in a developing country Delays: - Equipment being delayed 3 weeks - Physical connections being delayed 3 weeks (1,5 month) - IX room available first on the 7th May Strong dependence on the ISPs Knowledge level of ISPs Internal Human resources: - Knowledge level - Earlier experiences 3
37 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Project Dynamics 3 Knowledge o Different backgrounds o Different experience Communications o Problems with the English language o People not saying what they are thinking Culture o Different view on time priorities o Project management External factors o Living with eachother 24x7 o Diseases
38 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Project Objective 5 Video
39 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The project outcome 4 Satisfied ISPs after the final meeting on the 15 th of May 2002 – the first day MOZ-IX was up and running, the organization finalized and the Policy signed.
40 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Issues calling attention after the project 4 Issues calling attentionAction to be taken BGP knowledge of ISPs and no help-desk - Additional training - ISPs supporting eachother - Information on MOZ-IX homepage Creation of a legal entity around MOZ-IX -Should be on the agenda for the ISP meetings from now on - Hand-over document Creation of the Association of Members Bandwidth in to the IX- No transit traffic allowed from start - Process to get more bandwidth to be continued Payment- First payment due to June 2002 Monthly ISP meeting- Next meeting the 5 th June, organized by Tropical Net Get Teledata to connect- Continous discussion with them A critical period for MOZ-IX operations will be the first year. The connected parties have a common responsibility to get MOZ-IX through this period.
41 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: The Mozambique IX project Agenda Presentation of MOZ-IX Project Progress and Dynamics Conclusions Project Objective 5 Video
42 Mozambique Internet Exchange www: Video During 18 weeks the third IX in Africa has been developed and put up in Maputo, Mozambique. The project scope has been wide and the time limited. Thus, we have had to speed up the work... 5