You are what you ‘Where’ Globalization and the economic distribution of the Global Village RC4, POP1, CP3
HOMEWORK Over the weekend you were asked to compile a list of 25 random things in your home and identify their country of origin or manufacture. In groups of three compare your lists, eliminating any repeated items.
TASK: PART 1 Each person will be assigned a blank world map. On the map indicate each of the countries included on your homework list by outlining the country’s borders with a marker. DO NOT COLOUR IN THE MAP. Share your map with your group members. Add their countries to your map if they are not already present.
Discuss Are there any trends on your map? Any surprises? Is there an explanation?
The North South Gap coined by the UN in 1980. refers to the division of the economic world based on physical geography: many wealthy countries are found in the northern hemisphere; whereas a multitude of poorer countries are found in the southern hemisphere. great disparities exist in the range of social and economic development between the North & South. Many poorer nations are chastised, by the wealthier countries, for trying to improve themselves as the result has often led to international instability. Causes include: colonization and neo-colonization (see terms to know).
Measuring a Country’s Wealth “Average” wealth can be measured by per capita GDP (gross domestic product) or per capita GNP (gross national product). A country produces wealth through agriculture, mining, industry and trade. GDP is the total of a country’s internal (or domestic) wealth. GNP is the total of GDP plus the country’s national wealth (including payments made and received for ‘services’ such as banking, and insurance). If you divide the GNP by the population of the country you can discover the average wealth produced by cash individual (‘per capita’ as it is called). This is the equation: GNP = per capita GNP Population Per capita GNP gives a useful clue as to the likely average wage. The poorest countries in the world have a per capita GNP of about $150.00.
Wealth is also determined by: Hunger Hunger can be measured by average caloric intake: 1600 calories per day is a critical minimum; 2400 calories is the average need. Disease & Death Disease and death can be measured by infant mortality rates and the average age of death. Education Education can be measured by literacy rates.
Cl.Assification of Countries Countries are categorized by their level of economic development. Cold War Classification: First World = the Capitalist countries Second world = the Communist countries. Third World = poorer countries The problem: countries were grouped based on both ideology and capitalist development.
CLASSIFICATION OF COUNtries Post Cold War: two-tiered classification system that was based only on development. Developed Country (DC), and Undeveloped Country (UDC), were adopted as classification categories. Occasionally, some countries didn't fall into these two new categories.
CLAssification of countries Today the most commonly used system classifies countries as: LLDC (Landlocked Developing Countries) LDC (Less developed country), MDC (Moderately developed country), HDC (Highly developed country).
Determining Classification Characteristics that determine which category a country belongs include: Gross National Product (GNP) per capita, transportation and communication facilities, consumption of energy and literacy, and levels of unemployment.
Task: Part 2 On your world map choose 4 different colours and shade in each country based on their classification (HDC, MDC, etc). Create a legend to indicate what each colour represents and to identify why there are some countries outlined with a marker (from Task 1).
LLDC’s * Also an LDC Afghanistan * Armenia Azerbaijan Bhutan * Bolivia Botswana Burkina Faso * Burundi * Central African Republic * Chad * Ethiopia * Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic * Lesotho * Malawi * Mali * Moldova, Republic of Mongolia Nepal * Niger * Paraguay Rwanda * Swaziland Tajikistan The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia Turkmenistan Uganda * Uzbekistan Zambia * Zimbabwe * Also an LDC
LDC’s : AFrica Angola Benin Burkina Faso Burundi Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mozambique Niger Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia Sudan Togo Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Zambia
LDC’s cont’d ASIA Latin America & The Carribean Haiti Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia Kiribati Lao People’s Democratic Republic Maldives Myanmar Nepal Samoa Solomon Islands Timor-Leste Tuvalu Vanuatu Yemen
MDC’s Algeria Angola Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belize Bhutan Bolivia Botswana Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde China Comoros Congo Djibouti Dominican Republic Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Fiji Gabon Georgia Ghana Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Jamaica Jordan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Lao People’s Democratic Republic Lesotho Madagascar Maldives Mauritania Moldova Mongolia Morocco Myanmar Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Nigeria Occupied Palestinian Territories Pakistan Papua New Guinea Paraguay Philippines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Solomon Islands South Africa Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tanzania (United Republic of) Thailand Tonga Tunisia Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Yemen
HDC’s Albania Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Barbados Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominica Ecuador Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Grenada Hong Kong, China (SAR) Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea (Republic of) Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia (the Former Yugoslav Rep. of) Malaysia Malta Mauritius Mexico Montenegro Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Panama Peru Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Serbia Seychelles Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Trinidad and Tobago Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Important Terms to Know: Colonialism An economic system in which a dominant “mother country” maintains control over the direction, organization, capital, investment, technology, and manufactured products of the dependant colony which in turn supplies raw materials, agricultural products, and cheap labour. Neo-colonialism Economic imperialism; the control of Northern economic forces over newly independent countries in the South. Balance of Trade The difference between the value of exports and the value of imported goods and services; raw products produced in the South are often worth less on the world market than manufactured products from the North, resulting in an unfavorable balance of trade for the South. Burden of Debt When the accumulated debt of a country forces it to neglect social spending in vital areas such as health and education, in turn lowering quality of life, in an attempt to repay the national debt, usually held by foreign investors.
Sustainable Population Growth Growth of the population that is limited to the number of people that earth can support indefinitely with available resources. Multinationals AKA Transnationals. Enterprises that have their corporate headquarters in developed countries (North) but operate a variety of branch companies in many different parts of the world, particularly Southern countries. Gender Murder Determining the gender of a fetus and discarding the undesirable one based on its gender. Infanticide Causing the death of unwanted babies/children. Aid Money, food, goods or “considerations” given to a developing country by one or more governments, institutions, or agencies. The reasons for giving vary- to provide humanitarian help, to promote trade, to boost sales in the donor country, or to gain political or military advantage. The Green Revolution The use of modern machinery and fertilizers, better quality seeds, and improved irrigation to improve food production in developing countries.