Application of the FEWS Stream Flow (SF) Model to the Limpopo Basin, Mozambique Final Report Tanya Hoogerwerf
OVERVIEW Mid-Semester: Obtained the FEWS SF Model and text files, but no user information. Progress Report: Figured out what to do with.avx file and Hydro1k data. Final Report: Determined linkage between the GIS and rainfall-runoff simulation model; and successful at using 60% of model’s capabilities
The FEWS Stream Flow Model Spatially-lumped continuous soil moisture accounting model Inputs (all grids) include Hydro1K, NOAA estimates of daily rainfall totals, USGS land use/land cover dataset, and FAO soils layer Gulied A. Artan of the USGS provided this model and text files that result when the model is applied to the Limpopo basin in Mozambique
Exploring the Components of the FEWS SF Model in ArcView Fewsflood.avx added to EXT32 ArcView folder Route.exe added to the BIN32 ArcView folder Text files supplied are organized by level 5 Pfafstetter codes These included basin.txt, evap.txt, parameter.txt, rain.txt and response.txt Run route.exe
Data Collection- Hydro1K Hydro1K
Additional Datasets Need Derived Soils Properties files!!
Data Preparation The required grids for the FEWS SF Model are a DEM, CN grid, Soil Water Holding Capacity Grid, Hydraulic Conductivity Grid, Soil Depth Grid, Texture Grid, Precipitation Grid, Evaporation Grid and Velocity Coefficient Grid No information on model units, used text files instead (recycling data)
Hydro1K Preparation (DEM) Match Hydro1K Pfafstetter Level 5 Basins
Additional Grids Text files imported into Excel Saved as a.dbf files In ArcView the fields were joined by Pfafstetter 5 digit codes New field created Shapefile converted to a grid
Running the FEWS SF Model !!!!!
Complete Terrain Analysis User supplies DEM FEWS SF Model creates missing grids and shapefiles (Downstream Grid, Hill Slope Grid, Hill Length Grid, Basins Grid, basply.shp, Outlets Grid, StrLinks, Streams, FlowLen, FlowAcc, and FlowDir Final threshold chosen to be 3,000 cells
Generate Basin Characteristics File INPUT: Basins Grid, Elevations (DEM), Flow Accumulation Grid, Hill Length Grid, Hill Slope Grid, CN Grid, Water Holding Capacity Grid, Soil Depth Grid, Hydraulic Conductivity Grid, Downstream Flow Length Grid, Stream Link Grid, Downstream Grid, and Max Impervious Grid OUTPUT: basin.txt
Generate Basin Response File INPUT: Velocity Coefficient Grid, Basins Grid, Flow Direction Grid, Stream Outlet Grid OUTPUT: response.txt
Generate Rain/Evap Data Files INPUT: Basin Grid, Rain Grid and Evaporation (as rain_19991 and evap_19991) Can extract rain, evaporation or both OUTPUT: rain.txt and evap.txt
Perform Flow Routing INPUT:
Utilizes route.exe and previously created txt files Errors!!! Perform Flow Routing Continued
Compute Rain/Evap Statistics INPUT: Select statistic to be computed
Compute Rain/Evap Statistics Con’t OUTPUT:
Compute Flow Statistics and Display Flow Percentile Map INPUT: ????? Errors!!!
Display Flooded Area Map INPUT: Processed DEM, Stream Links Grid, Flow Accumulation Grid, flow depth (riverstage.txt), day OUTPUT: Zone of Influence Grid and Flooded Area Grid
CONCLUSIONS Still a few small flaws in the model With a simple set of instructions, could be easy to use Wide range of applicability for large basins Ready for a trip to MOZAMBIQUE!
SPECIAL THANKS Gulied A. Artan Jordan Furnans