Pauline Rose Mokoro, Oxford 29 January 2014 Aid for education after 2015: Lessons from the past decade
Aid to education decreased for the first time in Constant 2011 US$ billions Basic education Secondary education Post-secondary education
Aid to basic education decreased for 19 low income countries in D. P. R. Korea. Comoros Guinea-Bissau Chad Mauritania Tajikistan Sierra Leone Somalia Madagascar Liberia Uganda Malawi Tanzania D. R. Congo. Mali Haiti Mozambique Afghanistan Bangladesh Constant 2011 US$ millions
Nine of the 15 largest donors reduced aid for basic education to LICs in United Kingdom United States Canada Germany EU Institutions World Bank (IDA) AsDB Special Funds Japan IMF France Netherlands AfDF Sweden Norway Denmark Constant 2011 US$ millions
0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Japan United Kingdom Canada Australia Netherlands Norway France Spain Germany United States Total Share of how education aid is channelled Recipient government Wide variations between donors channeling aid to education via governments
USD million (constant 2011 prices) UNICEF World Bank - IDA EU Institutions Asian Development Bank African Development Bank Earmarked bilateral aid channeled through multilaterals large for UNICEF
Donors to education are not evenly spread across countries Burkina Faso Pakistan Cambodia Haiti Nepal Mali Rwanda Zimbabwe Malawi Madagascar Myanmar Benin Cote d'Ivoire Nigeria Niger Philippines Tajikistan Yemen Liberia Sierra Leone Guinea-Bissau Somalia Burundi Kyrgyzstan The Gambia Chad Eritrea Togo Guinea Comoros C. A. R. D. P. R. Korea Number of donors Significant partnershipsNon significant partnerships
Aid per child for many LICs does not fill the minimum spending required Hait i Eritrea Afghanistan Rwanda Kyrgyzstan Mali Liberia Mozambique Benin Burkina Faso Cote d'Ivoire Comoros Guinea-Bissau Malawi Nepal Burundi Tajikistan Cambodia Bangladesh Sierra Leone Togo Pakistan C. A. R. Ethiopia Somalia Yemen The Gambia Kenya Zimbabwe Madagascar Guinea Niger Uganda Tanzania D. R. Congo Myanmar India Chad Philippines Nigeria D. P. R. Korea US$ 2011 constant prices Ensuring primary education of adequate quality is estimated to cost $131 per child
% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% AsDBAfDF/ AfDBEU InstitutionsUNICEFWorld Bank As a proportion of total recipients who receive education aid from donor Significant partnershipsNon significant partnerships Number of significant aid relations in education for UNICEF low
Extending goals to lower secondary widens finance gap to $38 billion Financing gap US $38 billion Remaining financing gap 7.6 Government: Increase tax base 9.9 Government: Prioritise basic education 9.8 Donors: Prioritise basic & lower secondary education 6.1 Donors: Meet 0.7% target 1.3 Donors: Reallocate student imputed costs 3.1
After 2015, financing targets should be set for countries to allocate: at least 6% of GNP on education; only 41 had reached this level by 2011 at least 20% of their budget on education; only 25 had reached this level by 2011 Financing targets should also apply to aid donors so that all funders are held to account for their promises. Targets for 2015 must be set so no one is left behind due to lack of resources
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