Picture Slideshow Synod Assembly 2015
Burundi: Women and children gather at the Mwiruzi Health Center.
Zimbabwe: Malaria messages are delivered through song and dance.
Zambia: Malaria focal persons educate their congregations.
Uganda: A couple sits under their mosquito net.
Mozambique: Long-lasting insecticide- treated nets are distributed.
Liberia: Health care workers care for patients.
Zimbabwe: Children smile beneath their mosquito net.
Nigeria: 247 women have been trained as malaria leaders in their inter-faith communities.
Tanzania: Sunday School children learn about malaria through drama. Photo courtesy of Lutheran World Relief
Uganda: Village Health Team members bring testing and treatment to the local level.
Malawi: A malaria field officer prescribes medication.
Zambia: Children learn that malaria prevention is as easy as
Zimbabwe: This shop started with an income generating loan.
Burundi: Pastor Chavuma teaches malaria prevention at church.
Uganda: Village Health Team members demonstrate net use.
Tanzania: This onion farm is a livelihoods project. Photo courtesy of Lutheran World Relief
Zambia: A health worker and a pastor test for malaria at an open clinic, and distribute medicine if positive.
Mozambique: A community member learns how to prevent and treat malaria.
Burundi: A mother sits with her healthy baby thanks to malaria prevention.
Zimbabwe: Mrs. Wazha holds up chicks purchased with an income generating loan.
Zambia: A pastor tests for malaria.
Malawi: Village Savings and Loan Association members meet.
Mozambique: Kids gather in Munene, home of the Martino Luthero Clinic.
Uganda: Smiling, healthy children.
South Sudan: Nets have been distributed to communities in remote areas by air, where roads are impassible.
Zambia: Rapid diagnostic tests indicate the presence or absence of the malaria parasite.
Tanzania: A young girl takes home a mosquito net on World Malaria Day. Photo courtesy of Lutheran World Relief
Zimbabwe: Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe work to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.
Uganda: Over 100,000 people have been tested and treated (when positive) for malaria.
Zambia: Children hold their long- lasting insecticide-treated nets.
Burundi: Participants sing and dance to share educational messages about malaria.
Uganda: Kiyai received pre-natal care during pregnancy and her daughter Evaline was born healthy!
Nigeria: Nets are distributed by two health workers of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria.
Namibia: Healthy children say hello and give thanks to the Lutheran malaria program.
Mozambique: Juma received a loan to begin his pottery business.
Malawi: Judith Jere is the Lutheran malaria program coordinator and educates others about prevention.
Zambia: Suvia received preventative malaria treatment during pregnancy.
Zimbabwe: Malaria messages are delivered through song and dance.
Angola: A mother demonstrates net usage in her home.
Malawi: Malaria messages are shared in churches.
Burundi: A community member stands outside of the local health center.
Uganda: Village Health Team members make home visits.
Angola: A community leader provides educational training.
Photo courtesy of Lutheran World Relief Tanzania: This woman participates in the livelihoods program.
Liberia: Health care workers care for patients.
Nigeria: A training on proper net usage is hosted by the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria.
Malawi: The Lutheran malaria program works to keep kids malaria-free.
Zambia: An open clinic with malaria testing and treatment.
Thank you!