1.Technology & Applied Information 2.Energy Density 3.Political and Economic Policies
% of Countries in default or restructuring
Source: U.S. Energy Administration and World Gold Council
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA): Two party contract: A generator of electricity for the purpose of sale (the seller) and one purchaser of electricity (the buyer or off-taker). DeKo central bank purchases electricity from power generators at long term fixed prices and sells electricity to off-takers at market prices.
Certainty of claim relates to future realizable value Utility is Social and Economic value creation potential
Assets Foreign Exchang e Reserve s SecuritiesLoansGold Electricity Delivery PPAs Liabilities Issued Currency Government Deposits Bank Deposits DeKo Proposal
Paraguay Lesotho Iceland Albania Tajikistan Bhutan Mozambique Zambia Nepal Dem. Rep. Congo Burundi Norway Angola Belize Kyrgyzstan Costa Rica Laos Brazil Ethiopia Malawi Colombia Georgia Republic of the Congo Central African Rep Cameroon New Zealand Ghana Uganda74.95 Namibia Austria Venezuela Fiji Madagascar Canada Ecuador Panama Source: