SADC Regional OER Policy Forum May 22-24, 2013 South Africa, JHB Presented by: Lurdes Nakala MOZAMBIQUE
The Current Educational Priorities The Education Strategic Plan emphasis is on three main objectives: Assure inclusion and equity in access and retention in school Improve the learning of pupils Warrantee good governance of the system. 22 April
Educational Priorities (Cont.) 22 April In the upcoming years, the sector will continue prioritysing the universalization of the primary Schooling of 7 grades, with focus on the learning and development of basic competencies in reading, writing and numeracy. The Education Strategic Plan will continue the expansion of the Education System, exploring the variety of learning modalities, including Distance Education, taking advantages of the potential of new technologies).
Current Policy Status and Links to OER As the Strategic Plan for Education in the period between 2012 and 2016 recognises the need to use a variety of learning modalities to expand education with quality, it appears also that OER’s may be made available for both learners and managers, including teachers. By doing this, it would contribute to the aimed quality learning. 22 April
Possible Reasons for Interest in OER The proposal of the Distance Education Strategy advocates sharing of resources amongst ODL providers in order to maximize the use of expertise, infrastructure and funds. One of the strategic action is that all ODL providers must have established, until 2017, mechanisms for sharing of resources. 22 April
Possible Reasons for Interest in OER (Cont.) Although the country is not active in developing OER’s there is a specific secondary schooling program which learning materials will be turned into OER’s. This has been a request from COL as it is partially funding the upload of the learning materials into Moodle Platform. 22 April
Muito Obrigada! Thank you! 22 April