INVESTMENT FORUM 2012 UK -ANGOLA BY Eng. João Samuel Caholo Deputy Executive Secretary, Regional Integration –SADC Secretariat SAVOY PLACE, UK 24 MAY 2012
Southern African Development Community (SADC) The SADCC (1980): The Frontline States and Founding (9) Member States Different Sector Coordinating Responsibilities vested in each Member State till 2003; The SADC (1992), The Community, Treaty: Ushered a Community approach which succeeded a Development Coordination Cooperation Approach; in 2004, migrated to centralised coordination of all sector into the Secretariat as the Executive Institution, based in Gaborone, Botswana. Policy Organs: Summit: - Supreme Organ with rotating Chairperson Council: - Council of Ministers Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation, with a separate Council, the Ministerial Committee of the Organ (MCO) Sectoral Ministerial Clusters: Institutions of SADC Secretariat Tribunal SADC National Committees
OBJECTIVES OUR EXISTANCE Deepen regional integration through enhanced intra-SADC trade underpinned by seamless, cost-effective regionally inter-connected infrastructure networks Peace, Security, Stability and Good Governance; promote common political values and systems; Promote sustainable and equitable social/economic development to ensure poverty alleviation and its eventual eradication; Promote productive employment of financial, food security, natural resources and protect the environment; Coordinate the long standing historical, cultural and social affinities of the peoples of the region; Combat all deadly communicable and non-communicable diseases (such as HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria); Mainstream Gender in Community Building; Mobilize and harmonize the policies, programs and projects of the Region towards the Continental Integration.
KEY PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES Implementation of the Treaty is carried out through protocols. Protocols are carried out through projects and programmes comprising the following main areas; Trade and Industry, Finance, Investment and the Private Sector, Infrastructure and Services, Human, Social and Skills Development, Food Security and Natural Resources Management, Environment, Gender, etc Peace and Political Stability.
Funding Requirements in the MediumTerm The total amount required for SADC regional infrastructure development in the medium term is currently estimated at approximately USD 100 billion per year distributed as follows; Sector Amount (USD) POWER DEVELOPMENT 47 CORRIDOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 26 Ports and Inland Waterways 18 ICT INFRASTRUCTURE 9
3.2 Transmission Projects DRC 2012: Mozambique Malawi Tanzania DRC - Zambia Angola Malawi Zambia 2014: Zambia - Tanzania Zimbabwe 2010 -2011: ZIZABONA Namibia Botswana Mozambique WESTCOR (Suspended) Swaziland 2015: MOZAMBIQUE BACKBONE South Africa Lesotho
Regional Power Connectivity Dem Rep of Congo Congo Gabon Luanda Windhoek Lusaka Harare Lilongwe Nairobi Dar es Salaam Gaborone Pretoria Johannesburg Cape Town Maputo Mbabane Kinshasa Brazzaville Angola Tanzania Kenya Mozambique South Africa Swaziland Lesotho Namibia Zambia Botswana Zimbabwe Malawi Rwanda Burundi H P T N Hydro station Pumped storage scheme Thermal Station Regional Power Connectivity Proposed Interconnectors (dashed lines) Westcor ZIZABONA Zambia-Tanzania Malawi-Mozambique Mozambique Backbone DRC-Zambia DRC-Angola RSA Strengthening
SADC Member State Transport Corridors Angola 1. Lobito; 2. Namibe; 3. Trans-Cunene; 4. Malange; 5. Bas Congo Botswana 1. Trans-Kalahari Corridor (TKC); 2. North-South Corridor (NSC) DRC 1. North-South Corridor (NSC); 2. Malange; 3. Walvis-Bay-Ndola-Lubumbashi, (Trans-Caprivi); 4. Dar es Salaam; 5. Central Transport Corridor; 6. Bas Congo Lesotho 1. Maseru-Durban Malawi 1. Nacala; 2. Beira; 3. Mtwara; 4. Dar es Salaam; 5. North-South Corridor (NSC) Mozambique 1. Maputo; 2. Beira; 3. Nacala; 4. Mtwara; 5. North-South Corridor (NSC); 6. Limpopo Namibia 1. Trans-Kalahari Corridor (TKC); 2. Trans-Orange; 3. Trans-Cunene; 4. Walvis-Bay-Ndola-Lubumbashi, (Trans-Caprivi); 5. Namib South Africa 1. North-South Corridor (NSC); 2. Maputo; 3. Trans-Kalahari Corridor (TKC); 4. Trans-Orange; 5. Maseru-Bloemfontein-Durban; 6. Lebombo Swaziland 1. Maputo; 2. Lebombo Tanzania 1. Dar es Salaam; 2. Mtwara; 3. Central Zambia 1. North-South Corridor (NSC); 2. Dar es Salaam; 3. Mtwara; 4. Beira; 5. Walvis-Bay-Ndola-Lubumbashi, (Trans-Caprivi); 6. Lobito (Benguela) Zimbabwe 1. Beira; 2. Maputo; 3. North-South Corridor (NSC); 4. Limpopo
Corridors North – South Corridor SADC Corridors Development Programme and the North-South Corridor Project Corridors North – South Corridor
Tourist Arrivals Trends Outlook: 2010-2027(millions) Year 2010 2015 2020 2027 Africa 49 60 77 109 SADC 21.5 (44%) 28 (47%) 40 (52%) 63 (58%)
ICT Access Statistics
SADC Broadband Inter-connections and Under-Sea Cable Links to Rest of the World
Terrestrial fibre links between countries
SADC Priority Programme Under the PIDA ENERGY SECTOR Project Description Cost USD Mill Countries Region 2. North–South Power Transmission Corridor 8,000 km line from Egypt to South Africa 6,000 Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa COMESA/EAC/ SADC/IGAD Mphamda-Nkuwa Hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 1,500 MW for export on the SAPP market 2,400 Mozambique, Zambezi basin SADC Lesotho HWP phase II Hydropower programme for power supply to Lesotho and power export to South Africa 800 Orange-Senqu River Basin SADC Southern Batoka Hydroelectric plant With a capacity of 1,600 MW to enable export of electricity 2,800 Zambia/Zimbabwe COMESA/SADC
SADC Priority Programme Under the Continental Programme TRANSPORT SECTOR Project Description Cost USD Mill Countries Region Beira-Nacala Multimodal Corridors Rehabilitation/reconstruction of railway and road links, including one-stop border posts along the corridors. Improvement of capacity at the ports, including capital dredging at Beira Port. Natural resources development, including Moatize Coal Field in the Zambezi Valley will use the ports as main export gateways 450 Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe SADC/COMESA Southern Africa Hub Port and Rail Programme This programme aims at responding to Southern Africa’s challenge in developing sufficient port capacity to handle future demand from both domestic sources and landlocked countries 2, 270 REC Member SADC
CHALLENGES Language and Culture Availability of utilities and diversified services Competitive service provision The Continental and Global nexus 19
WHY INVEST IN ANGOLA NOW 2nd Biggest economy of Southern Africa and 7th of Africa Strategic geographical Location catalytic to open important markets of both Eastern, Southern, Central Africa as a whole Huge untapped potential Sizeable Consumer purchasing power Good infrastructure network Strategic Partnership 20