CMF Week of Prayer 17 th - 23 rd February Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day. Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul” Psalm 86:3,4
“Be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all the day. Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul” Psalm 86 v 3+4 Follow on from conference and in response to the challenge of being a witnesses to the ends of the earth Medical students across the nation are going to join together and pray for God’s kingdom to be built! Opportunity to deepen our commitment to prayer. In groups and individually - challenge to give up a set amount of time each day to pray for CMF A time to commit all our efforts to God as a national body, that we would impact the world and God’s glory shine forth. Prayer slides (reps and website) and handout
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice” (Prov 31:8-9) Saturday 3 rd May, 10am - 5pm, London Increasing need Christian medics to engage with world of medical ethics, our responsibility Equip students with skills: Evidence-based dialogue Writing Public speaking BMA Media House of Lords/Commons Flyers
Junior Doctors Committee
British Medical Association
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill
Other ethics stuff!
Events coming up Please pray people would come to these events and God would challenge, stretch and grow all those who come. As well as practicalities and God’s help and guidance for speakers. PRIME conference – Leicester, March 8 th, London, May 7 th Considering the spiritual aspects of health in the context of whole person medicine Answering Other Faiths – London, 15 th March Leaning how to engage with people of other faiths and explain the gospel) Student Leaders Conference – Telford, 4 th -6 th April Training weekend for new CMF group leaders BMA Medical Students Committee – 5 th April Please pray for Christian BMA Reps who attend and motions submitted by CMFers e.g. for refugees not to be refused healthcare, proper counselling for women pre and post abortion National Graduate Conference – 25 th – 27 th April Issues such as disillusionment, loss of sense of vocation will be considered and a look at the future in relation to our crucified and risen saviour. Ethics Day – London, 3 rd May Learning skills relating to speaking out on ethics e.g. evidence-based dialogue, writing letters to MPs, newspapers, public speaking, media National Students’ Committee Meeting - 10 th May NSC meet to discuss ways best to resource and support CMF groups around the country ICMDA Eurasia conference – Austria, September 7-14 th Students and doctors from across Europe will come together to learn about an unlimited God, who helps us limited human beings, in relation to the complexities of personal and professional conduct. As well as the above there are various regional conferences, Electives Days, Confident Christianity (evangelism training) and Saline Solution (sharing faith with patients) courses around the country
University of Edinburgh
Dundee Does Dundee need a 2nd cmf rep? Please pray. That CMF would become a more visible and influential presence within the hospital and med school. That good relations would be developed with the CU
St Andrews
Trinity College Dublin
University College Dublin
CMF Dublin
NUI Galway, Ireland
Queens University, Belfast
Barts and The London That we would have a greater influence in the university and be willing to share our faith with others more often. That we would be able to organise events in the students’ union successfully. That many students would come to these events.
St. George’s
Imperial College London
King’s College London Thank God for the favour He has shown us with King’s CMF events so far this year Praise God for the financial and pastoral support of Christian doctors in our medical school Pray for regular CMF meetings on campus Pray the voice of Christians at King’s will be strong on and around campus in sharing our faith Pray for CMF leadership for wisdom in directing the group
South East
Brighton & Sussex Med School
Oxford Clinical school
UEA (Norwich)
Southampton Praise God for the encouragement of fellowship at the ‘junior docs and clinical students’ meetings. Praise God for enthusiastic new freshers. Pray for wisdom and guidance for pre- clinical group re: meeting up and new leaders for next year. Pray for continued support for clinical prayer group and ‘junior docs and students’ meeting.
South West
Swansea University
Nottingham at Derby,
University of Birmingham
North West
Manchester Vision: To establish an active and God-focused group in the medical school and the 4 base hospitals- Preston, MRI, Hope & Wythenshawe. To be a Christian voice and presence in these places. To establish links with local Christian doctors, and other christian medical professionals (Dentists, Nurses etc.) Provide alternatives to the regular medic events (eg. Something other than pub crawls!) Actually get the zoo trip organised.
North East
Thank God that our numbers have grown dramatically. Last year on conference we had 6 members, this year we’re up to 17! Praise God that last term, one person became a Christian! Please pray for friendships to build and prayer partners to meet regularly Please ask God that CMF would be a light in our medical school Thank God that we’ve had no open hostility
Tees Pre-Clinical
Tees (Clinical)
Finally… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 And “ These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also… saying that there is another king, Jesus.” Acts 17:6+7