2010 Company History
Web based Products Mergers & Acquisitions, Investments, Key Position Movements Directors and Management. Earnings and Holdings of JSE Listed Companies and SOCs 231 Key Industries Active Companies Active Companies 56 Countries Ownership Relationships SA SECTOR DIRECTORY OF DIRECTORS TALKOVER TALK CORPORATE STRUCTURES AFRICAN SECTOR
SA Sector Description Conditions Drivers Structure SWOT Analysis Future Outlook Snapshot of Industry Cross Holdings Key Indicators Contact information Shareholding Directors and Management Employee and Turnover figures (where disclosed) History and Nature of Business Brands and Trademarks Industry Overview Organogram Company Profiles
Completed from African Sector Reports Work in progress Ghana Marine The infrastructure industry Angola Banking DRC Aviation Kenya Growing of cereals and other crops Oil and gas Telecommunications Mauritius Textiles Mozambique Oil and Gas The infrastructure industry Ethiopia The infrastructure industry Zambia The Agri-Business Sector West Africa Mining Ghana Beverages Wholesale and Retail of Food Angola Beverages The infrastructure industry Wholesale and Retail of Food Nigeria Beverages Wholesale and Retail of Food Kenya Beverages Wholesale and Retail of Food East Africa Mining Tanzania Beverages Wholesale and Retail of Food
Ownership Groups as markets Quantify group risk with client and supplier files International ownership into Africa Africa ownership internationally GROUP INTERMEDIATE HOLDING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY INTERMEDIATE HOLDING COMPANY SUBSIDIARY Corporate Structures CLIENT CLIENT
Company X Company Y Company Z Director 1Non-Executive Chairman Director 2Non-Executive Director Director 3Chief Executive Director 4Executive Director Director 5Independent Non Executive Director Search Company A Company B Company C Cross directorships Influence of individuals Companies common director relationships Director 1Non-Executive Chairman Director 2Non-Executive Director Director 3Chief Executive Director 4Executive Director Director 5Independent Non Executive Directory of Directors
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Database Statistics Sector Database GroupsTotal Total Number of Groups1969 Listed Groups485 Unlisted Groups1312 Unlisted African Groups161 State Owned Corporation Groups10 Government Entity Groups0 Investments Total Number of Investments Investments South African Investments13849 African Investments8637 International Investments Relationships Corporate Structures Database Web Profile information South AfricanRest Of AfricaNon- African RegisteredDormantTotalRegisteredDormantTotalCountDormantTotal Registered Companies Total Number of Branches
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