Farmlands Office Of Environmental Services Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
2 Number one industry for Ohio’s economy $107 billion annually Nearly one million employees Why So Important? Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Effects water quality and ecological integrity Development and growth contributes to Urban Sprawl Consequences: Rural character disrupted Viewshed impacts Job loss Farmland Loss In O-H-I-O 3 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Farmland Loss In O-H-I-O More than 7 million acres from Equivalent to losing 23 counties 2 nd in the nation for loss of prime farmland from 1987 to 1997 Farmland conversion rate is occurring faster than population growth 4 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Federal Law Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) Subtitle of the 1981 Farm Bill Federal programs required to be compatible with state, local and private efforts to protect farmland and consider adverse effects Projects sponsored or financed in whole or part by the federal government Highways, airports, dams, federal buildings 5 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Federal Agency Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Formerly Soil Conservation Service Established by Congress in 1935 Permanent agency within the USDA Changed to NRCS in 1994 to reflect the broadened scope of the agency’s concerns 6 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
State Law Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Ohio’s Farmland Preservation Act Coordination with ODA required when 10% or 10 acres ( whichever is greater ) is acquired from any individual property within an Agricultural District Utility or emergency repair projects exempt 7 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
State Agency Ohio Department of Agriculture Office of Farmland Preservation oversees and assists with preservation efforts Three Preservation Programs: Clean Ohio Agriculture Easement Purchase Program Ohio Agricultural Easement Donation Program Agricultural Security Areas 40,000+ acres of farmland preserved 8 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
NRCS/FWHA/ODOT Executed December 15, 2011 Outlines responsibilities under FPPA and the implementing regulations of 7 CFR 658 Establishes a process to determine which federal projects require NRCS coordination Farmland MOU 9 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Farmland Classification 10 Identifies farmland of state or local importance Soil Maps Land Classification Maps Prime Unique Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FPPA Screening Form no longer used Integrated into Online CE Farmland Conversion Impact Rating (FCIR) For projects that exceed MOU criteria 11 Coordination Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Form AD-1006 Form NRCS-CPA-106 Corridor projects 12 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Part I - Project Description Completed by ODOT/Project Sponsor Part II – Farmland/Farm Characteristics Completed by NRCS 13 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Part III - Conversion of Land Completed by ODOT/Project Sponsor Lines A & C Total new permanent ROW Line B Always 0 unless secondary impacts are known and can be quantified 14 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Part IV - Land Evaluation Information Completed by NRCS Part V - Land Evaluation Criteria Completed by NRCS 15 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Part VI - Site Assessment Criteria Completed by ODOT/Project Sponsor Based on criteria in 7 CFR Follow FCIR Instructions 16 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Part VII – Score Compilation Completed by ODOT/Project Sponsor 17 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
FCIR Form Final score less than 160 Minimal consideration for protection No alternative locations need evaluated Final score 160 or greater Justify reason for choosing higher scoring alternative Consider other environmental concerns 18 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
CE Remarks 19 Use standard language provided by OES If FCIR coordination required, discuss scoring results for each build alternative Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
CE Remarks Acreage of agricultural land to be taken Number of farms impacted Include effects upon farm operations Removal of farm structures Current use of agricultural land impacted Cropland, fallow land, pasture Conservation Easements Impacts to tile drainage, if applicable 20 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
CE Remarks Permanent and/or temporary field access closures Proposed mitigation, if applicable Economic impacts Agricultural District impacts Number of farms which will have at least 10 acres or 10% acquired 21 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Secondary and/or Cumulative Impacts Impact to regional farm economy Resulting development Conversion of farmland to other uses Reduction of support services, which may adversely affect remaining farms CE Remarks 22 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Part of CE/Project File Locational mapping Highlight impacted property Highlight farms in Agricultural District Plan sheets with ROW impacts to farmland FCIR Form 23 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
Contacts Doug App, Farmland Coordinator Kevin E. Davis, OES Policy Supervisor Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation
QUESTIONS? 25 Managing the Environmental and Project Development Process Presented by the Ohio Department of Transportation