Biosolids A Piece of the Sustainability Pie
Sustainability Trifecta On the Farm at Madison Farms Madison Farms
Kent Madison Owner K&S Madison Inc, Echo, OR
What is Trifecta????????? 1. North America bet on first 3 in race: a bet, especially on a horserace, that involves selecting the competitors that will come in the first three places in the correct order 2. set of three: a series or set of three things, factors, or influences a trifecta of political losers
What are the three things that have made Biosolids a piece of the Sustainability Pie at Madison Farms ?
First Location, Location, Location
Second Reducing your cities Carbon Footprint thought the land application of Biosolids
Carbon offset of biosolids to biodiesel on range land Acres Gallons of diesel used by Portland for Delivery to MF 156,0005,075.8 Gallons of diesel used by CWS for Delivery to MF 80,0003,645.8 Gallons of diesel used by Salem for Delivery to MF 34, Gallons of diesel used by MF for all spreading of biosolids 19,5519,442.4 Total gallons of diesel used / year 290,051 Tons of fossil carbon emitted / yr
Carbon offset continued Mass of soil in 6 acre inches (in pounds) 2,000,000 Percent increase in organic matter / year.10% Carbon fraction in organic matter 58% Pounds of mass carbon added to top foot of soil/ acre/year under biosolids program 1,160 or.58 tons Total number of acres applied per year 9,442.4 Annual tons of carbon sequestered in the soil under biosolids program 5,476.5 Ratio of organic carbon sequestered in the soil to fossil carbon exhausted 5.84 to 1
Carbon sequestered in range grass Average number of cattle grazed / year 3,000 Total days on feed / year 175 Average pounds of beef weight gain / day 2 Total weight gain / cow / year 350 Total of all weight gain for all cattle / year 1,050,000 Carbon content of grass (assume CH20 ratio) 40% Total pounds of carbon in the grazed grass 4,200,000 Total tons of carbon sequestered into the grass through the cattle. 2,100 Ratio of organic carbon sequestered in the plants to the fossil carbon exhausted 2.24 to 1
Total carbon sequestered Combined ratio of carbon sequestered in soil and cattle to carbon exhausted by transportation and application 8.09 to 1 Combined total tons of carbon in soil and biomass 7,577 Coal equivalent (tons coal at 90% carbon content) Diesel equivalent in gallons at 6.5 lbs carbon / gallon of fossil diesel fuel 2,345,694 Total diesel used by all cities and Madison farms for the biosolids program. 290,051 Net gain in gallons of diesel used to diesel equivalent 2,055,643 Coal equivalent per acre in tons.89 Diesel equivalent per acre in gallons
O2 release on Madison Farms Average pounds of biomass / year over 9 years of biosolids land application 3,193 Tons of oxygen released per acre per year 1.70 Pounds of oxygen released per acre per year 3,405 Tons of oxygen per year on all biosolids amended ground 16,052 Tons of oxygen per year on the same acres without biosolids 3,373 Net gain of tons of oxygen do to biosolids amendment on Madison Farms. 12,678
Third Producing Oil Crops for Biodiesel Production
Canola for Biodiesel Production and Increased Wheat Production
Biosolids to Biodiesel
Pump and manifold
Branding to a Specific Consumer Providing a stable priced carbon neutral fuel. Providing a stable priced carbon neutral fuel. Growing canola on fields fertilized by biosolids Growing canola on fields fertilized by biosolids Crushing that canola into oil and producing biodiesel to fuel the trucks that deliver the biosolids to the farm. Crushing that canola into oil and producing biodiesel to fuel the trucks that deliver the biosolids to the farm. Supplying raw oil to SeQuential to produce biodiesel for the city fleets. Supplying raw oil to SeQuential to produce biodiesel for the city fleets.
Other renewable systems
Land application of reuse water
The Biosolids Trifecta Provides Food, Fuel and Fiber While Still Providing for Nature
Thank you for your time Any Questions???