POLISH AGRICULTURE problems, solutions and CAP Polish perspective
Agriculture is one of the sectors that profited the most from the Polish accession to the EU. About 15% of the country’s labour force, what is equivalent to 2.2 million full-time workers, is employed in farming, thereby providing the biggest - 20% - share in EU27 employment in agricultural sector. Despite very high level of employment, the effectiveness of Polish rural workforce is very small, what is portrayed by the fact that agriculture contribution to the Polish GDP is just 3%. Poland agriculture after EU ascension
Problem 1 Lack of education among farmers Solutions: Subsidies for educations, better motivation of farmers.
Problem 2 Young people do not want to work in the agricultural sector Reason - lack of perspectives for development in the countryside also insufficient of subsidies - low salary Solution - increased funding for young farmers - promoting a healthy lifestyle
Problem 3 predominance of family farms and extensive typ of farms Reason - family farms in Poland, 1 – 5 Ha, 50% of the total number of farms, but there are using just 20% of farmland - 20 hectares farm is 6% and use it 35% of farmland Solution - introduction of intensification of production through specialization of farms and using IP - maintain a balance between extensive and family farms - conservation of biodiversity in small farms
Problem 4 too many middlemen between producer and consumer, and a very low level of processing Reason - lack of cooperation between farmers - lack of organizing farmers Solution - cooperation between the farmers themselves - introduction of agricultural processing - direct selling of products from farms
Problem 5 underdeveloped rural technical infrastructure Characteristic many of the existing paved roads require upgrading and repair, access roads to agricultural land and forest are in bad condition Solution - hardening of roads - increase subsidies for rehabilitation of roads
Problem 6 implementation of technological advances to small farms Reason -lack of money - low production - low sales - no additional purchases Solution - increasing subsidies for small farms - training system - activating a credit line of less interest - using of BAT technics to save water, energy, material etc.
helping in rational use of funds received by the agriculture and businesses from the EU and the state and assigned to the Rural Development Programme or to innovation and training etc. in enterprises of the food industry increasing competitiveness of Polish export of agri-food products into foreign markets by promoting, informing and so on. efficient combat against monopolistic practices on the domestic food market applied mainly by translational trade and production corporations, active participation in the work of international institutions and EU bodies because efficiency of lobbying for Poland and for the development of the food industry will depend on diplomatic skills of the government and its representatives in international institutions. Main aims of CAP
(Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) (Agriculture Market Agency) Kukula S., Krasowicz S. Glowne problemy i uwarunkowania zrownowazonego rozwoju rolnictwa w Polsce. [w:] Problemy inzynierii rolniczej. IUNG, 1, Pulawy, TURE%20IN%20TH%20EU.pdfhttp://csm.org.pl/fileadmin/files/csm/RAPORTY/POLISH%20AGRICUL TURE%20IN%20TH%20EU.pdf and-future-of-common-agricultural-policy-in-visegrad.htmlhttp:// and-future-of-common-agricultural-policy-in-visegrad.html References:
Thank you for your kind attention Ester Kasza Aneta Wójtowicz Tomáš Glajza