Engage- Agriculture Farmer’s Care
Trend in Agriculture Produce more with less 1950 – 2.47 billion people in world 2000 – 6.06 billion people 2050 – billion projection 1961 – billion acres (World’s farmland) 2001 – billion acres (+69 million acres) 1997 (42.2%) – 2007 (40.8%) – lost 22 million acres of farmland in U.S. To feed the 2050 population we will have to produce 100% more food!!!
Kentucky Agriculture $4.918 billion #1 Poultry $953 million #2 Horses $800 million #3 Corn $786 million #4 Cattle $628 million #5 Soybeans $601 million #6 Tobacco $325 million #7 Dairy $232 million #8 Wheat $199 million #9 Hay $135 million #10 Swine $118 million #11 Nursery $70 million #12 Vegetables $25 million Agriculture is producing more with less and with the most efficient use of resources ever in history. Greener and more sustainable with less of a carbon footprint. The problem is no one knows.
Agriculture has Changed Smaller more diverse farms to larger more specialized farms Some livestock moves from out doors to indoors Global market place increasing demand New technologies (disease and insect resistance, improvements in genetics, nutrition and facilities) Ethical commitment to land, water and animals is unchanged
Pens with Roofs When we placed the animals in the buildings we did not mistreat them but started taking really good care of them. Weather extremes, parasites, predators
Agriculture has Changed Poultry buildings have vastly improved in the birds health and comfort including engineering improvements in feeding systems, ventilation, and temperature control. Today we produce 81% more chicken per bird than in days to hatch the egg, 48 days to produce a 5 pound bird (69 days total)
Agriculture has Changed Milking parlors, milk safety, milk quality. and cow comfort have drastically improved individually monitor Top herd 305 lactation produce 28,000 lbs of milk per cow per day. Over 10 gallons a day Today compared to 1950 we are producing 63% more milk with 58% fewer cows
Agriculture has changed Swine genetics, nutrition and housing have advance production and performance to record levels. Controlling the heat and cold along with maintaining a clean dry environment have lead to slatted floors and tunnel ventilation. Today top herd are approaching 30 pigs per sow per year. Produce 275 pound market hog in 6 months It takes just 15% of the energy to produce a pound of pork compared to 1970 Today we produce 176% more pork with 44% fewer sows as compared to 1950’s.
U.S. cattle farmers & ranchers raise 20% of the world’s beef with 7% of the cattle Agriculture has changed Genetically, nutritionally and management systems that fit the market place and the health conscience consumer. Branded products – Certified Angus Beef, Laura’s Lean Grass &Grain feed – produce 1250 steer < 20 months Grass feed - 30 months
Agriculture has changed Crop rotation Minimal tillage Soil testing Conservation plans 11 times more soybeans on 5 times fewer acres than in 1950 Soybeans
Agriculture has changed Precision farming GPS No till Water quality plans Nutrient management plans Kentucky corn yield winner last year were over 400 bushel per acre. Today we produce 333% more corn on 11% fewer acres compared to 1950 Corn
What about the environment? (Manure) Price of oil Price of chemical fertilizer Value of manure $150,000 per year (4,000 head barn) Poultry 175 tons year X $40 a ton = $7,000 1/3 cost of chemical fertilizer Natures most perfect fertilizer
Protecting the Environment Farmers are the original recyclers Manure as fertilizer is not new just more valuable Sustainable Cycle Strict regulatory oversight Evolving technologies Odor - $11 million EPA emissions study Good management = minimal odor crops feed grain Livestock manure
What about the small farmer? Contract farming – less risk, helps with acquiring loans for capitol, specialize Local food – KY Proud over 3,000 members 97% of farms are owned by farm families
More with less Compared to 1950, farmers today produce: –176% more pork per sow with 44% fewer sows –81% more chicken per bird –333% more corn on 11% fewer acres –53% more eggs with 3% fewer hens –11 times more soybeans on 5 times fewer acres –69% more wheat on 6% fewer acres –63% more milk with 58% fewer cows It’s amazing!!!
Remember… Today’s farmers are producing more, safer and higher quality products on less land than ever in history. Today’s agricultural production is environmentally friendly, green, totally sustainable with only a shadow of the carbon footprint as compared with the past. Today livestock are the most comfortable and cared for ever in history. The greatest thing is we are learning and improving everyday. It just going to get better.
Today’s Farmer Care
Warren Beeler Kentucky Department of Agriculture Livestock Marketing Office – Cell – Questions??