WHAT CAN SRDP DO FOR CROFTING AND SMALL UNITS?. Partners Crofting CommissionCrofting Commission Scottish Crofting FederationScottish Crofting Federation.


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Presentation transcript:


Partners Crofting CommissionCrofting Commission Scottish Crofting FederationScottish Crofting Federation NFUS (Crofting Committee)NFUS (Crofting Committee) SNHSNH RSPBRSPB HIEHIE European Forum on Conservation and PastoralismEuropean Forum on Conservation and Pastoralism SLESLE

Aims Contribute to review of SRDP Contribute to review of SRDP Explain issues of access to SRDP by crofting/small units Explain issues of access to SRDP by crofting/small units Demonstrate need for crofting/small units to access SRDP Demonstrate need for crofting/small units to access SRDP

Crofting/small unit statistics The geographic distribution and number of holdings by extent (in hectares), Scotland

LARGE HOLDINGS 4,503 holdings are 200+ hectares 9% of total holdings 4.26 million hectares of area 76% of total agricultural land ? people CROFTS/SMALL HOLDINGS 26,728 holdings less than 10 hectares 51% of the total 90,602 hectares of area 1.6% of the total 33,000 people on 18,027 crofts Size of holdings

18,027 crofts 5 hectares average size 1050 common grazings 538,000 hectares common grazings 10% of the farmland in Scotland Crofts and Common Grazings

Crofting in decline 32% decline in ewe numbers 35-60% in some parishes 11.4% decline in cattle

Croft use 43% decline in croft use, Trotternish

% decline oats & potatoes % decline in grass conservation Decline in cropping Area of grass conservation (hectares)

Decline in common grazings committees 918 total number of common grazings Common Grazings with committees in office

8 measures in SRDP 4 are relevant to crofting/small units: Rural Development Contracts - Land Manager Options (RDC-LMO) Rural Development Contracts - Rural Priorities (RDC-RP) Crofting Counties Agricultural Grant Scheme (CCAGS) Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS) Crofting/small unit access to SRDP

Approved: 327 cattle options applications 411 conservation plans Of those: 158 were linked with the retention of cattle option 169 linked with the introduction of cattle option 84 stand-alone successful conservation plan applications Potential applicants (under 10 ha holdings): 26,728 Of which 18,027 are crofts Crofting/small unit success with SRDP

Common Grazings uptake From a sample of 214 common grazings Approved: LMO 4.8% Rural Priorities 5.6%

YearFinancial value(£ millions) 05/ / / / / CCAGS uptake REASONS FOR DECLINE IN UPTAKE All proposals require competitive quotes Grant paid on actual costs only Reduction in grant rates Loss of replacement fencing grant Loss of rotational reseeding grant

Within Crofting Counties 70 % of land in Scotland designated as NNRs 60%+ of land in Scotland designated as SSSIs Highest values of High Nature Value Farmland in Scotland Common grazings account for 20% of HNV In Scotland 2% of land in Scotland designated as NNRs 13% of land in Scotland designated as SSSIs Crofting and natural heritage

Socio-economic impact of crofting 18,027 crofts Occupied by 10,000-12,000 crofting households Home to 33,000 people POPULATION DECLINE Western Isles: % decline Shetland: % Up to 20% decline from peripheral, crofting areas to Stornoway and Lerwick

Croft income Up to 1950s, significant percentage of household income Studies suggest: 4-20% of household income Study of 43 crofts: 1998 over 50% recorded negative incomes 1999, 30% recorded negative incomes Socio-economic impact of crofting

Respondents: …indicated considerable reluctance to consider giving up agricultural activity on the croft, but most indicated they could not sustain it if it was actively costing them money on a continuing basis. (Crofting in the 21 st Century: A Report for SEERAD) Desire to continue crofting

Enhanced CCAGS Programme for Crofting and Small Units Recommendations for SRDP

RETAIN: Retain existing scheme grant rates LFA 50% & NLFA 40%. Retain existing scheme eligible items and operations Retain 10% grant enhancement for under 40yrs old applicant. PROPOSE: Reintroduction of standard costs. 10% grant enhancement for New Entrants (over 40yrs old) for works identified in a 5yr plan of improvements. 10% grant enhancement for capital works on common grazings Reintroduction of grant assignation to contractor for common grazings. Scheme for on-croft small-scale renewables (non FiTS) did not receive full consensus. Enhanced CCAGS

For Crofts and Small Units Non-competitive Two components: Land cultivation and maintenance options Whole Township Review Rural Land Management Programme

Max 20ha of in-bye land for all units In the case of crofts: Includes apportionments Excludes grazing share Classified as extensive defined at a stocking level density With an elected grazing committee and approved set of grazings regulations Programme eligibility

Options: Land Cultivation and Maintenance Management Plan (template) Grassland Management Species rich grassland management Open grazed or wet grassland grazing for wildlife Forage conservation management Environmental grazing Introduction of breeding cattle (2 minimum) Retention of breeding cattle (2 minimum) Rotational cropping traditional Management of water courses Land cultivation & maintenance

Common Grazings Moorland Management Plan: Facilitation for establishing committee Five year management plan. Designated Site land management activity options Carbon capture and storage land management including the restoration peat lands Moorland Activity Management Muirburn Away wintering Bracken control Environment cattle grazing Common grazings options

Common Grazings Moorland Management Plan: Facilitation for establishing committee Five year management plan. Designated Site land management activity options Carbon capture and storage land management including the restoration peat lands Moorland Activity Management Muirburn Away wintering Bracken control Environment cattle grazing Common grazings options

WHOLE TOWNSHIP REVIEW Review and baseline land activities Develop 5-year plan Identify opportunities for new entrants into crofting Identify opportunities for traditional and alternative activities Common grazings options

WHOLE TOWNSHIP REVIEW Review and baseline land activities Develop 5-year plan Identify opportunities for new entrants into crofting Identify opportunities for traditional and alternative activities Common grazings options

Young Crofters/Farmers Using provisions under Articles 8 and 20 for New Entrants Rural Priorities delivery model: £100K considered too high Suggest: >£20 (non-competitive) £20k - £50k (some competition) £50K - £100k (fast track route as proposed) ? Small-scale capital investment for non-croft holdings Additional measures

“Small changes in remote rural areas can have significant consequences”