Presentation for the Policy Advisory Committee California Transportation Plan 2040 April 15, 2014 Agricultural Land Stewardship Planning
Proposed projects could have huge impacts on agriculture through land use changes Social and economic impacts not well suited to CEQA, NEPA action Public wants involvement in program planning UC Small Farm Program
DWR Recognized a Critical Need: Engage Delta Farm Community in the BDCP Ag Issues DWR Strategy: Create Agricultural Land Stewardship Work Group
Our Agricultural Stewardship Approach: Gather mitigation ideas Meet with agricultural interests Build a set of creative options Refine options with input from agriculture
Principles Voluntary actions Consistent with project objectives Provides benefits where impacts occur Keep farmers on land Central Valley Joint Venture
De California Department of Food and Agriculture California Department of Conservation Delta Conservancy Delta Stewardship Council Delta Protection Commission Developed in cooperation with:
Agency Group CDFW State Parks State Water Quality Control Board Regional Water Quality Control Board Office of Planning and Research USBR USFWS NOAA Fisheries
Resource Conservation Districts California Farm Bureau Federation Natural Resources Conservation Service Delta Five-County Farm Bureaus State Board of Food and Agriculture California Water Commission Reclamation Districts Delta Land Trusts
Types of Engagement Formal — commission meetings, conferences Semi-formal — local governments, permitting agencies, reclamation districts and other local agencies Informal — individuals, farm bureaus, nonprofits Interactive Website
Background documents Planning Framework Strategies Work Products
Framework Develop Agricultural Land Stewardship Plans Integrate projects with existing uses Mitigate for loss of farmland Address economic and social impacts
Examples of Strategies Reduce Conflict Between Agriculture and Nearby Habitat Projects
Identify Benefits of Funding for Open Space Subventions e.g., Williamson Act Examples of Strategies
Agricultural Conservation Easements CalCan
Improve Transportation Infrastructure Examples of Strategies
UCANR Develop Land Use Studies Promote Economic Development
Examples of Strategies Identify Governance for Agricultural Mitigation RCDs Land Trusts Conservancies Commissions Counties
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