ENERGY: Taking Forward The City Region’s Unique Renewable Energy Opportunities Simon Pringle, head of sustainability, BDO (chair) Mikele Brack, director, public sector at GE, on combined heat and power Richard Goodfellow, head of energy and utilities, Addleshaw Goddard and member of the LCR Green Economy Panel John Carolin, director of business development, Biogen
Download pt 1 contains slides from: Mikele Brack, director, public sector at GE, on combined heat and power Download pt 2 contains presentations from: Richard Goodfellow, head of energy and utilities, Addleshaw Goddard and member of the LCR Green Economy Panel (no slides) John Carolin, director of business development, Biogen
Richard Goodfellow Head of energy and utilities, Addleshaw Goddard and member of the LCR Green Economy Panel [no slides]
Base Leeds City Region John Carolin Director of Business Development 11 September 2012
BiomassBiofertiliser Biogas
Biogen AD food waste treatment facilities Twinwoods, Beds 42kt pa HAUC, Shropshire 25kt pa Westwood, Northants 45kt pa Branston, Lincolnshire 10kt pa
AD - town mouse or country mouse?
BiomassBiofertiliser Biogas Gate fees income Disposal costs Energy income Capital and operating costs
Gate Fees Treatment typeMaterial/type of facilityMedian (per tonne)Range (per tonne) CompostingOpen air windrow£25£66 - £73 In- Vessel Composting (IVC)£44£28 - £60 ADAnaerobic Digestion£41£35 - £60 LandfillGate fee only£21£9 - £63 Gate fee plus landfill tax£85£73 - £127 IncinerationPre 2000 facilities£64£32 - £75 Post 2000 facilities£82£44 - £101 MBTMechanical Biological Treatment£79£65 - £84 Source: WRAP Gate Fees Report 2012
Use of energy OptionsValue driversLocation impact CHP – electricity to grid FITs (ROCs) Wholesale electricity price Limited heat use/value Connection costs - variable Anywhere (almost) CHP – private wire FITs (ROCs) Retail electricity price Limited heat use/value Adjacent to medium-sized, continuous electricity (and heat) user Bio-methane to gas grid RHIs Wholesale gas price Gas conditioning & connection costs Proximity to appropriate point on grid Biogas – private pipe No RHIs - currently Retail gas price No gas conditioning costs Adjacent to medium-sized, continuous gas user Vehicle fuel Highest value and best carbon savings (but AD too small scale?) Co-location with fleet user(s)
Biocycle 5 ktpa AD facility under construction in Ludlow, Shropshire 1.Odour 2.Noise 3.Pests 4.Visual impact 5.Traffic 6.Minimum economic scale Environmental impact
Project specifics 1.Food waste customer locations 2.Energy usage 3.Biofertiliser logistics 4.Environmental impact
Leeds City Region DriversRatingComments Commercial customers Large concentration of food waste customers including regional distribution centres. Local authority customers Large concentration of households. Supportive authorities. Energy customers Good grid access. Many suitable sized electricity and gas users. Many fleets (vehicle fuel potential). Biofertiliser customers Plenty of suitable farmland nearby, but unlikely to be co-located.
Leeds City Region DriversRatingComments Commercial customers Large concentration of food waste customers including regional distribution centres. Local authority customers Large concentration of households. Supportive authorities. Energy customers Good grid access. Many suitable sized electricity and gas users. Many fleets (vehicle fuel potential). Biofertiliser customers Plenty of suitable farmland nearby, but unlikely to be co-located.
Thank you John Carolin Director of Business Development 11 September 2012