Некоторые результаты применения МС ТГУ-ИОА
Conditions of numerical simulations Research domain: 50x50km 2 nearby Tomsk Dates: January, June, August, 7-8 September 2000 Sources of emissions: stacks of plants and heat power stations, motor vehicles, area sources Computation grids: 20x20, 50x50, 100x100 Computers: multiprocessor clusters of TSU and IAO SBRAS
Nesting technology
Land use categories
Surface elevation and roughness Water: 0,0001m Few vegetation: 0,15m Farmland: 0,15m Deciduous forest: 0,5m Mixed forest: 0,7m Evergreen forest: 1,0m Urban area: 1,0m
Comparison of predictions with observed data
Horizontal wind field at 10:00 15 August 2000
Horizontal wind field at 10:00 29 June 2000
Vertical wind field at 10:00 26 June August 2000